Impeach Bush!


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/26/2007 at 08:50 AM   
  1. Mr Christian - Thank You - this is absolutely the best I’ve read (and read the comments, a couple are worth the trip). . .I’ve always said - given how rabid and insane the lunatic left is about President Bush - they’d have impeached him, jailed him, humiliated him, driven him tarred and feathered out of DC, written tons of books about it, and high fived themselves by nowif they even had one iota of FACT or PROOF.

    This is just a disgusting, pathetic ploy to keep their ‘talking point’ and ‘bumper sticker’ slogans in the hearts and minds of the idiots who still watch the View and alphabet news and read newspapers and slick magazines. It is done in the vapid hopes of getting enough votes so that the ‘little’ voter fraud they have to do in some areas - won’t be noticed until after the election.

    Anchoress is now bookmarked. Thank you for traveling for me - helping one another brave this World is what humanity, compassion and decency are about. Perhaps the Left might just want to start sometime soon.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/26/2007  at  10:33 AM  

  2. It’s such a shame that year after year so many people need to be shown the truth, point by point by point, time after time. I guess half the population and all of the news media are utter delusional imbeciles. “Truthiness”. What a word. Straight out of Orwell.

    My real complaints about Bush is that he isn’t Conservative enough, that he isn’t warrior enough, and that he’s unconcerned with border security and kicking out the illegals. Other than that, I’m Ok with him. I certainly like paying less federal taxes than I did a few years back, although the state has ramped theirs up to eat up most of the difference.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/26/2007  at  10:37 AM  

  3. Drew, his stance on illegals is a TX thing - they truly are the new slave state as they can’t imagine how to live without the illegals (I remember the crap way back in 85 & 86 when this went around before - it astounded me that someone would actually be on tv admitting that he hired illegals and saying this his business couldn’t survive without them). Here’s an idea (Dems and illegal enabling Republicans) try replacing illegal, immigrant, or whatever euphemistic word you are using with Black or woman - then see how damn far and compassionate your arguments go and sound.

    It is a crock. I think President Bush’s biggest problem is that he doesn’t get a break at all - damn if he does, damn if he doesn’t.  And very few (even Republicans) stand up for him and now with the election just ‘hours’ away (yeah right) a lot of Republicans are stabbing him and the American citizens in the back to put distance between themselves and Bush but more importantly to try to gain a vote or two.

    Truthiness is straight from the bunch (and their fearless leader) who gave us ‘it depends on what the definition of it is’ crappola.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/26/2007  at  02:29 PM  

  4. I agree with you about the illegals. They are the new slave class. How can anyone, even in Texas, say such a thing out loud and not stun themselves unconscious with the hypocrisy? If using slave labor is the only thing keeping your business in business then you need a new business model ASAP. How can a single person who is a member of any group or gender that has suffered workplace oppression accept this for a second? The answer is not “well, just make them citizens then”. That ignores that they broke some major laws, and it ignores that many of these people do NOT want to be citizens! Why should they, so they can pay taxes and car insurance? Would you be willing to earn a third less if you put all of it in your pocket?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/26/2007  at  03:19 PM  

  5. OKAY! I’m gonna go get me an Impeach Bush bumpersticker today! And here is a story how some utter loons think.

    So, Thursday night I got into yet another fruitless debate with some friends about Iraq, Bush, on and on. They held the familiar bumper-sticker opinions, again, and my facts did not disuade them. One topic we got onto was the “Cheney pockets millions from Halliburton” lie. I told them Cheney gives all of his Halliburton stock option income to charity to the tune of about $8 million a year.

    “Oh, bullshit! Where’d you hear that, on Rush Limbaugh?” Actually I don’t listen to Rush. I unfortunately failed to point out that all elected officials’ tax returns are matters of public record, so, I looked it up and, viola, I was, indeed, wrong.

    The Cheneys only gave well over $100,000 to charities in 2001, 02, 03 (over $3.2 million in 03) and 04. In 2005 the completely independent agent who has total discretion over when to exercise the Halliburton options - in order to give them to charity - did so. The gift was only around $6.9 million, not $8 million. See here:

    So, the Cheney’s do NOT profit from his Halliburton stock options at all, the bucks go to three charities, and Mrs. Cheney donates the proceeds of her books to charity, as well. Very generous and praisworthy, right? Well, not if you suffer from the irrational hatred that the left has for everything and everyone in the Bush administration no matter what.

    Why do I say that?

    You might notice that the Cheney’s took a deduction for the full amount of the donation. Now, normally charitible deductions may only amount to 50% of your adjusted gross income; Cheney took about 78% in 2005. Why?

    Well, in order to spur more charitible giving for Katrina relief, and to reduce the impact to other charities whose donations might suffer if the Evil Rich only gave up to 50%, in 2005 the deduction limit was raised to 100% of AGI. Now, the Cheneys took the full deduction they were allowed after the fully independent agent exercised the options. Cheney even wrote a personal check of over $2 million to cover a shortfall in the amount given due to tax withholding, essentially an interest free loan.

    So, how do the Bushitlerburton Crime Family BDS whackjobs spin this? Well, see here, and the comments.

    How insightful that Cheney foresaw a major change in the tax laws 5 years ahead of time just so he could get a big ol’ tax deduction! Damn, for a moron, he sure is a genius!

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   05/26/2007  at  07:05 PM  

  6. Will somebody please lance Joy Behar?

    Talk about draining something nasty…

    Posted by heldmyw    United States   05/26/2007  at  08:44 PM  

  7. Thanks for the link to another fountain of reason. I’ll be checking in with “The Anchoress” on a regular basis.

    I’m convinced leftists are not half as smart as they think they are. When someone is on the wrong side of the truth, the only option is to lie and manipulate. These lies are a house of cards that will not withstand the test of time. History is on the side of George W. Bush and the nation’s fight against pure incarnate evil.

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   05/27/2007  at  03:00 AM  

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