I really wish the CIA would just eliminate our enemies once and for all


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/23/2013 at 05:02 AM   
  1. Here’s where you and I will disagree; the US is actively acting contrary to it’s own principles in spying on it’s own people. Please, review and acknowledge the abuses of the government and how Snowden’s revelations have had a positive impact on 4th Amendment rights.

    Posted by Redbear762    United States   12/23/2013  at  10:22 AM  

  2. Yeah but I have to wonder just who is being spied on. Surely they can’t be doing that everywhere on everyone.  I can’t think there’d be enough personnel on hand to be able to read every single email sent or snail mail or enough people to monitor every phone call made.  I suspect that there are many who are suspect and a possible threat. I heard someone on the radio address exactly your concern, from the USA side, but no way to record it. I often wish I could record some of the things I hear on Brit radio so I could share it here. I usually just give a link for the BBC but have no idea if anyone has ever been able to listen. ( BBC radio ) Anyway ... From everything I have heard and read, Snowden has not had a positive but rather a negative impact on intelligence gathering.  He was not in the best position to know what was safe and what wasn’t. Also, I have to take into account just who he released information to.  The Guardian?  Of all the papers he picked the extreme America hating left wing Trotsky/Marxist loving Guardian. And btw ... aside from embarrassing diplomats on both sides of the Atlantic, what good purpose is served by releasing the very private communications between various people where there is no reason to?
    No doubt govts. will screw up, no doubt both dem and repub. govts will always overstep and be called to account. But somehow I just can not buy Snowden as a hero of some kind or someone who was thinking good thoughts.  No. I think he did what he’s doing for self serving reasons and because, he can do it and get away with it. I can not think of a single person anywhere who is better off because he stole secret documents.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/23/2013  at  11:35 AM  

  3. Redbear ....  I just this second noticed something in my bmews inbox.
    Are you a fan of the late banjo picker of that name?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/28/2013  at  08:35 AM  

  4. No, mine is from being a street medic back in the 90’s

    Posted by Redbear762    United States   12/28/2013  at  09:51 AM  

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