‘I have struck a city — a real city — and they call it Chicago, It is inhabited by


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/30/2012 at 12:04 PM   
  1. I sympathize peiper,

    I’ve been there and done that with my Irish wife several times. It’s like they get a pleasure out of exerting their authority. Maybe that’s why the government hires them.

    She has flat out refused to head back despite the fact we live there a number of years.

    I’m headed back next week to stay with my widowed sister. She’s the only family I have on my side.

    I have to admit.....and I’ve told my wife....despite all its faults I’m an American born, bred, faithful to my country and I’m friggin homesick.

    I’ve lived away too many years and the vclock is ticking. I wanna die on my home turf.

    This is going to lead to difficulties. No question about it.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   09/30/2012  at  01:10 PM  

  2. See, this is what happens when you have some dipshit dink in charge. Nobody respects or fears America, so we have to put this big security thing in place, and of course it’s BRA or close to it, so nobody actually works, but they’re all acting tough.

    Nonsense. Showing up LEGALLY in America ought to be all “Hi, how are ya? Have some bbq and a drink. Welcome! Hey, you want a weapon? Here ya go, have a great day!” Because we would have no fear of foreigners here or abroad EVER, if things were done right.

    I am not kidding. We don’t need DHS, we need an assertive foreign policy. What’s that you say? Our embassy was attacked? FOOM, that city is burning rubble. What what? Somebody hijacked one of our airplanes? Who? And he’s from where? Ok, thanks. FOOM. Home city, gone, and a major city in that country as well. Terrorists did what? Blew up a building in our country? No foom. NUKES. And then an absolute blockade until that country is dead. Lifeless cold dead. Nothing gets in, no one gets out. Die.

    And within a month no one on earth will dare even look crosseyed at any American, anywhere, ever.

    We’ve tried to make them love us. It doesn’t work. We’ve tried to make them like us. It doesn’t work. We’ve tried to make them feel grateful to us for saving their lives countless times from wars and other kinds of disasters. It doesn’t work. We’ve fed them, saved them, fought their wars, cured their diseases, imported their crappy products, educated their filthy offspring, taken in hundreds of thousands of their people, built tens of thousands of their homes for free, put clothing on their backs, and even brought massive capital into their countries to jump start businesses so they can become self sufficient. None of it works.

    So make them fear us, because that’s the only thing they can respect. That will work.

    Mess with the US, and you will die. And that’s how it needs to be. And then we can have a never ending rolling party at the airports. Come on down! Because we fear nothing, because everyone on earth has learned the lesson.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/01/2012  at  10:56 AM  

  3. Drew if you haven’t already read it I strongly recommend Steyn’s latest After America get ready for Armageddon. If the Kenyan gets re-elected it will be perma decline for the US and it wont be a slow decline like Britain post WW2

    I found the article interesting as the unions here were berating the government for the delays at Heathrow caused by immigration. It puts it in perspective when you see how other countries do it. I have not personally had too much trouble with US immigration. Though I did get the run around once for having the audacity to not renew my green card.  Given the latino takeover underway in the South West you would think they would have bigger fish to fry, but like a lot of deadbeats on the ever expanding govt. payroll a litle bit of power goes a long way.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   10/02/2012  at  01:47 AM  

  4. Steyn is brilliant. We used to be able to read him in the Telegraph, but I guess he was too conservative and to much on the mark. No pun there.  I doubt that guy is ever wrong, and intend to get the book.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/02/2012  at  10:18 AM  

  5. JayD you probably saw this already but if not it ties in with Steyn’s view that the US could go downhill rapidly

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   10/02/2012  at  10:29 AM  

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