How much rope would it take?


These “children” have totally failed the basic test of humanity. One strike, you’re out. Hang the little fuckers. All of them.

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/09/2008 at 04:57 PM   
  1. Yeah… rather than hanging, I would favor the perpetrators being placed in stocks with their pants down and subjected to a twenty minute serious ass whipping with a leather strap.  One at a time, starting with the lookouts.

    The video would be played on You Tube, with special attention to the screaming and bawling faces.

    Parents would have to wear signs saying, “I’m an example of incompetent but breeding nincompoopery.  I have totally failed to teach my child much of anything.” This would be on their clothing, their cars and and a sign in the front window of their house or apartment.

    As Peiper said, this cannot happen under the current rules of justice in the United States, suggesting some form of vigilante justice “...might be the only answer.” As much as I am a serious law and order guy, I am forced to agree with the sentiment, at least.  Perhaps prior to that extreme, we the people might see about dumping some of the deadwood in our legislatures and promoting some alterations to the judicial system.

    Posted by Archie    United States   04/09/2008  at  08:14 PM  

  2. i do soooo like the stocks in public square..........too bad our liberal schools with no discipline allowed and parental authority eroded have got us to this point. it will get worse.

    Posted by Rancino    United States   04/09/2008  at  08:34 PM  

  3. As usual you guys are right and the msm can’t get anything right - locally I heard that some (i.e. most) were very young teens (below 15) which is why everyone was struggling with ‘how and what to charge them with’ - yeah right - video tape, the fact that it was established (almost instantly by the little scum themselves) to hit individually - so as not to establish a ‘gang’ event and the lookouts - imply aforethought and planning - i.e. a conspiracy - which escalates any of the other charges right into felonies.

    Oh btw - I did hear that the victim has not recovered her sight nor hearing on the left side - which establishes permenent disabilities from the event - who is going to pay for those little gems? Oh yeah I forgot, all of us who work for a living - as we will also pay (for life) for the future cell block C gang. . .

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/10/2008  at  08:07 AM  

  4. This is one of those cases where I can see the ChiComs’ point: Cap the little bitches, and the guys who played lookout, bill their parents’ for the price of the bullet.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   04/11/2008  at  07:53 AM  

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