Honor Killing In Britain


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/05/2006 at 02:17 PM   
  1. I like the way its tied with Britain, they brought the shit with them, bit like the US flying school giving lessons to guys not intrested in take offs and landings. grrr instead of “honor killing in Britain” it should have read mad fucks bring killing kids and murder with them from fill in the blanks ---------- shit hole. long face

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   10/05/2006  at  03:49 PM  

  2. No one made them come here and no one ask them to come, as for the fuck starting the fire, he should be fucking hung mad

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   10/05/2006  at  03:59 PM  

  3. Sorry, Bulldog. I didn’t mean to offend with the post title. I was in a hurry and it was the first thing that came to mind. I do agree with the hanging thing though. Then stick their heads on a spike on London Bridge for the buzzards to pick at for a few weeks.

    in_jail  toilet_monster  big_uk_flag  big_us_flag

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   10/05/2006  at  04:03 PM  

  4. In a case of pre-meditated murder, the one doing all the planning gets nothing, and the guy who did the deed only gets manslaughter?! Why, because they just killed a little girl, instead of the intended target?

    More is screwey with this story than merely an honor killing…

    Posted by Dac    United States   10/05/2006  at  04:31 PM  

  5. its ok Skip, its just im sick and tierd of my greate country getting mixed up with these fucks, as for the good old days down at the tower, we have moved on from then, HOW i wished we hadent, the euro kids might want to take a look at modern tourture in Iraq, untill the US stoped it, gasing kerds, ripping guys arms levi style, and we need the oil, if you yanks would have just left us Brits alone after the war none of this would have happend. 

    GOD SAVE THE QUEEN big_uk_flag GOD BLESS AMERICA big_us_flag

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   10/05/2006  at  06:14 PM  

  6. Couer de Lion must be turning in his grave.

    Would that he could rise from it!!!

    And I must agree with Bulldog.  Anti-colonialism should never have been rammed down Britain’s throat after the war.  But it was.  And so much for the idealists of the Brave New UN World.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/05/2006  at  07:45 PM  

  7. And by the way, if the donks want to protect us against Republican perverts, then they want to protect us against the very few perverts who are not enthusiastic and malodorous stalwarts of their own rotten outfit.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/05/2006  at  07:58 PM  

  8. Tann don’t mention Suez! Skipper what’s the problem here they are just expressing their diversity!! I seem to recall it was Churchill amongst others who thought giving British passports to Commonwealth citizens was a good idea. They thought that the citizens of the ex empire would be grateful and would remain loyal to the Commonwealth. Nowadays we give them to pretty much anyone it no longer matters if you were ex empire.

    Added to that the corrupt big businesses in Lancashire et al with clapped out mills to run. They didn’t want to invest in new equipment so they came up with the “good idea” of importing cheap labour from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Well it was ok for a while, but most of these people were ignorant peasants and many of their offspring have absorbed the Saudi fascist ideology of radical islam. You sow the seeds and you reap the whirlwind.

    It was interesting to see the ex Foreign secretary and muslim arse licker Jack Straw come out with a statement that wearing a veil was maybe not such a good thing. Funnily enough the muslims are seething and whining.

    I know I tend to bang on about it but I do believe we face big problems in Europe the not to distant future. There are riots in Brussels nearly every night, there are regular riots in Paris and now in Windsor (home of the Queen) where muslims want to set up an islamic centre

    Maybe this is the answer?

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   10/07/2006  at  04:49 AM  

  9. I checked your Gates of Vienna suggestion, LyndonB.  It is not the answer altogether, but it is a damned good and needful beginning!  Thanks for offering it.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/07/2006  at  08:00 AM  

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