Hillary RCOB Clinton


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/25/2009 at 11:26 PM   
  1. Politically speaking, Shrillary must like giving head and taking it up the ass.

    Posted by Macker    United States   03/26/2009  at  07:09 AM  

  2. Isn’t this the same administration that blames Fast Food Chains for making people fat?  It’s the fat bastards that are the victims and Col. Sanders and Ronald McDonald are the evil tyrants.  They blame the provider and victimze the consumer.  Yet when it benefits them, they change their stance and blame the USA for Mexico’s drug problem.  They are victimzing the supplier of drugs (Mexico) and blaming the consumers (the druggies of the USA) OMG?  REALLY?

    Posted by sdkar    United States   03/26/2009  at  08:16 AM  

  3. On the other hand guys, there is a huge demand and it’s being met.

    Not defending her (NEVER HAPPEN) but unless deadly force is used and the hand wringers and aclu put in their place, look for more of the same.
    I’ve been hearing about this so called drug war since it seems forever.  And nothing has changed.

    Drew has it EXACTLY RIGHT and especially in the last three words of his comment above.
    That is exactly what it will take BUT ... it doesn’t seem that anyone has the will.
    Find that and you’ll have the solution.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/26/2009  at  08:40 AM  

  4. Mega Weapons?? So they have nukes? Another reason I hate the press…
    The Mexicans are getting a mixture of American, British, Soviet, German, Chinese (A lot of chopped down SKS and AK47 clones down there, all at prices that make smuggles American weapons only for the more elite… Why buy a S/W .44, when you can get the equivalent from Taurus in Brazil, usually cheaper, since there is no tariff mark-up when transporting it from Guatemala?

    The American Press will never admit it, but you can buy crates of M-1 Carbines surplus in South America for about $250.00 with no questions asked, these being the guns that were imported for Brazil, Guatemala, Columbia, and Peru’s armies in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, and are still being imported from Israel, and other countries that are upgrading or emptying their warehouses. There, they are more gray market that black. All you have to do is drive them up through the Mexican border, with an ‘import fee’ to the appropriate persons, and that’s about it.

    It’s a lot easier to blame the Americans though, since we are the ones they are trying to curtail the right to bear, though. more fuel for the Brady people, and the anti-gun lobbies. Bah.. It’s tiring, and makes my head hurt.

    Just shut the border completely. Shoot on sight. Return anyone without citizenship to Juarez. BUILD A FUCKING WALL. Jesus Christ on a Hamster Powered Moped. IS IT THAT FRICKING HARD? Why the hell do we always have to over-complicate EVERYTHING?
    Mexicans bring in the drugs. A segment of the population buys the drugs. Stop the Mexicans, stop the drugs, the dope heads have to start buying domestic stuff, or go cold turkey. Wah, fucking wah. The Mexicans who were doing the drug thing have to retire, and lose their cash fueled power. America starts getting more jobs opened, and as a bonus, we don’t have another army to fund, we get a new tax base (Americans doing ‘jobs Americans don’t want to do). It is simple.
    Fuck the Mexicans. They run their country into the mud, then come to us, hat NOT in hand, and DEMAND help. They have learned the secret password, which is “It’s ALL YOUR Fault!” The phrase that mobilizes liberals throughout the land with bellows of “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, how much money can we give you?”

    I vote we send them across the border to Mexico to help out with the cleanup from the cartel wars.

    too tired to keep typing.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   03/26/2009  at  09:22 AM  

  5. Drew, Bill, now just damnit people! You know common sense is not authorized.  mad

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/26/2009  at  09:52 AM  

  6. Why the hell do we always have to over-complicate EVERYTHING?

    Hey Doc, actually we don’t.  But the civil rights LAWYERS do!

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/26/2009  at  09:55 AM  

  7. Good commentary, Drew. I read the LA Slimes link.  While it was a good article, the writer just barely scratched the surface of this deepening problem. I don’t know about other folks, but I’m weary of the terms “assualt rifle” or “assault weapon.” ANY firearm can be used to assualt, harm or kill someone. If I use a golf club, say a putter, to crack someone’s coconut open, does that not qualify as “assault” or does “assault” only qaulify if I use a number one driver just beacuse it’s a bigger and heavier club? Doesn’t make sense. Most journalists, unless they write for a shooting, gun or outdoor sporting publication of some sort, don’t know diddly squat about guns.

    And Bill makes a good point. I highly doubt if all of the weapons being used by the Mexican drug cartels and gangs are coming from the United States. Meanwhile, our elected officials, appointed officials at the state and federal level insist on deeply entombing their craniums in the finely grain silicon dioxide (translation: they have their heads buried in the sand). The Mexican “army” and “police” can’t be trusted. A good portion of them are traitors who have gone to work for the gangs and cartels. Those who don’t stand a good chance of losing their lives. But SOMETHING needs to done. Build a fence, wall, arm the U.S. border patrol to the teeth. Send in OUR Army, National Guard. Place heavy artillary on the border, tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, whatever, and show that we won’t stand for this crap any longer.

    Posted by Graycat    United States   03/26/2009  at  10:03 AM  

  8. Graycat ... Problem is, for way too long USA has done exactly that. Stand for all that crap.
    In a different way, the Brits stand for much of the same (crap) with folks bitching but nobody is listening. If they are, they’re simply ignoring it all. By they of course I mean the powers that be.

    Hey, an assault golf club? Is it licensed?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/26/2009  at  10:15 AM  

  9. We should ban those titanium drivers! They’re Assault Clubs!!1! All they’re for is for spraying high powered golf balls all over the place, and swinging from the hip! They’re Weapons of Golf Destruction!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/26/2009  at  11:33 AM  

  10. Peiper: I guess it comes down to supply and demand. As long as we have “demand” that is junkies who insist on smoking dope, snorting something up their schnozz or injecting something into their veins, we will have a drug cartels and gang wars fueling that “demand” with their “supply.” Twenty five plus years ago, the dentist I went to had a needle point stichery sign on the wall of the examination room placed where patients couldn’t help but see it. It read: “Maybe it will go away: the five most dangerous words in the English language.” Guess that applies to just about anything.
    Drew: Ban my titanium driver? From my cold dead hands!

    Posted by Graycat    United States   03/26/2009  at  02:11 PM  

  11. Oh, and on a re-read, I REALLY like your closing paragraph on the post.

    Hey, how about we take a couple dozen billion away from the corporate raiders on Wall Street and spend on rounding up every fucking illegal beaner and their spawn in this country and shipping them the fuck home in handcuffs? And start actually fighting a war against the druggies? Don’t waste your time with the gang rats. Just shoot them.

    That’s just too good!

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/26/2009  at  07:02 PM  

  12. “It’s not only guns. It’s night vision goggles. It’s body armour,” said Mrs Clinton. “These criminals are outgunning the law enforcement officials.”

    If the police are outgunned it is because of a political decision made by their local city government. In my PD we faced the same situation with drug dealers. We were using S&W Mod. 10 revolvers with .38 Police+ ammo. The dealers all had semiautomatics. Our city government refused to allow us to carry shotguns or to upgrade our sidearms. It was felt that shotguns were “provocative” and that .357 or .45 ammo was too powerful to be used in an urban environment. It finally came to a head and we went to .45’s but only after an officer was hurt. Sgt’s were allowed to carry shotguns - in the trunk…

    Hey, how about we take a couple dozen billion away from the corporate raiders on Wall Street and spend on rounding up every fucking illegal beaner and their spawn in this country and shipping them the fuck home in handcuffs? And start actually fighting a war against the druggies? Don’t waste your time with the gang rats. Just shoot them.

    I laughed, I cried. It became a part of me.

    I would like to volunteer the European anti-personnel mine crowd to dig up everyone of those fiendish devices and transplant them to our borders. We can call it the Princess Diane Border Containment Plan.

    The only bilingual signage in this country should be posted every 50 feet along our southern borders stating:


    Posted by sig94    United States   03/27/2009  at  05:52 PM  

  13. Sig ... So they wait till an officer is hurt before they upgrade ?  Jeez, sounds as pc as here.

    shotguns were “provocative

    Right, and we can’t have that.  Don’t want to cause the damn savages any undo concern, do we?

    Have just read and will try and post, China has mobile death vans. Guilty? Here’s you’re last ride. Bingo. That problem solved. Next?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/28/2009  at  01:57 PM  

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