here we go again?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/19/2014 at 04:56 PM   
  1. The monkeys are already mobbing around in this town too,just because.
    How long before the Spears appear, abooga booga.
    Tribal behavior in a civilized country. PATHETIC.
    monkey  gun

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/19/2014  at  06:37 PM  

  2. Why not - the media that did absolutely NO investigative journalism at all from the beginning and are joining with all the outsiders - NBBP, Jackson & Sharpton, Amnesty Int, and the blacks (not from Ferguson - but rather St Lou itself) - to create a situation that will need even greater response - so that they can continue to point their lying little fingers and say ‘SEE I TOLD YOU THEY WERE GUNNING FOR US’ (etc).

    And the current Administration continues to do nothing but feed the fire - because (I believe) they want to instill martial law again (don’t forget Boston) - which no one in power seemed to have a moments regret or anger against (ACLU, GOP, anyone, anyone).

    Get the sheeple used to the use of martial law and an over-militarized police - so that America can become a police state.


    Completely forget that the current Administration let in thousands of criminal illegal invaders - where is that story?!? - who can and maybe will cause as much chaos as the above - and also be another reason to implement martial law.

    Meanwhile - while Obama is busy doing nothing - I continue to see story after story about Obama’s amnesty EO - when NO one in DC is working right now - so what’s the point. Let’s just keep all the turmoil going - so that nothing that will help Americans, fix any of the problems in America or even be meaningful in a positive way - is being done. At all. Ever.

    And still the sheeple are fixated on Ferguson.

    Let’s go see how many blacks died in Chicago since Brown was shot. And also the ratio of race in all of those shootings.

    Or what the unemployment numbers were last week - since I didn’t catch a single story - but that’s because I was already so fed up with the lies, half-truths and distortions on the entire Ferguson mess by then - I wasn’t listening to much of tv or ‘news’.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/20/2014  at  07:07 AM  

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