here we are still


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/06/2012 at 05:00 AM   
  1. A little clarification on a couple of points please.

    The travelers BOUGHT the land for 100K pounds? And it came with “greenbelt” status firmly attached? What can one do with greenbelt land? Farm it? Plant it with trees? Or just leave it fallow ... in which case, what’s the point of owning it (or does it generate a tax break?)?

    So it’s the travelers land. Then they built on it. BFD.

    Then some local yobs protested that, and it sounds somehow that they’re the ones who have set up an illegal encampment.

    You know that I’m almost always against these gypo types. But if they already owned the land, then the local council is arguing from a weaker position arent’ they?

    Oh, and how CAN it be racist? Travelers aren’t any kind of genotype are they, other than plain old Irish, which is essentially identical to plain old English. So how the hell does race come into it when the perps and the protesters both are white??

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/06/2012  at  08:09 AM  

  2. Drew

    I’ve been asking myself that “race” question for years.

    The Gypos and their “settled” Liberal stooges have put plenty of pressure on the Irish government to have the “Travellers” declared a seperate “Race” or “Ethnic Group” so any “White settled Irish” person who even utters ONE word against them can be prosecuted and fined or jailled for “incitement to hatred”. NO 1st amendment here.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   08/07/2012  at  01:29 AM  

  3. I’m not quite sure what to make of the Gypsies and their culture. Why are they way they are?

    Posted by Macker    United States   08/10/2012  at  01:22 AM  

  4. Macker,

    I’ll give you a little low-down on the Gypo douchebag scum.

    Gypos are like little 5-year old children and the Liberal, progressive government keeps them sort of under control by giving them welfare, housing, clothing and other very lucrative handouts. (The “5-year old children culture” is solely a gypo thing. Probably 70% of the irish population could be described as INFANTILE.) And on top of it the vast majority are THIEVES who steal anything that’s not guarded or tied down. Go to any “car-boot” sale on a Sunday and you’ll find white Hiace vans by the hundreds with a load of tools, DVD’s and other shit laid out for sale. That which hasn’t been stolen has been pirated. The Gardai (Irish cops) are pussies because they are afraid of being beaten up by the knackers. That’s no shit. The cops don’t carry gun and many times they are assaulted by crooks and in the unlikely event the crook is caught the judge gives him a lecture and let’s ‘em go. Then the Garda sues for compensation. The Irish as a whole are so Liberal they’d make Harry reid and Nancy Pelosi look like Hitler and one of his henchmen. The do-gooders want the Gypos declared a seperate “race” even though they belong to the Caucasioan race. That way idf anyone even looked at them cross-eyed the person would be jailed for:incitement to racial hatred”. Course it is only a one-way street. a knacker (gypo) assaults an ordinary person and NO mention of racism is mentioned.

    Here’s a nice example;

    “Two race-goers headbutted, punched and then kicked a garda in the back as she lay on the ground at the entrance to the Curragh Racecourse, Co Kildare, a judge heard yesterday.”

    €90,000 - about $115,000. and the moola comes from the TAXPAYER not the criminals. And the assault took place 10 years earlier.

    Also notice the names of the two criminals are in the article because that’d be against their “human rights”.

    Ireland SUCKS. I’m gettin my ass back to Newark, NJ where at least the cops shoot the rat bastard scum.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   08/10/2012  at  06:21 AM  

  5. Macker .... New Jersey Yank speaks true and keep in mind, he is only talking about the Irish variety.
    There are also English travellers, who it has been reported, are a bit behind the Irish in organization and legal stuff AND The damn Romas. (Romania and also other parts of eastern europe)
    They are all vermin and as described so well by by Lyndon in past comments and by NJY here.
    A monumental problem. And almost all of the making by the wimpy left and even some conservatives who bend a knee to them.  America sees nothing on the scale as experienced here. But the left is hard at work you can be 100% sure, of bringing that sort of open border we are the world kind of thinking to the USA. Never mind simply thinking.  They would enforce it now had they the means and support. Keep your eyes and ears open.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   08/11/2012  at  08:23 AM  

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