Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/02/2009 at 02:30 PM   
  1. At some point, I would like to believe the decent Brits are going to get simply fed up with this nonsense and form their own police department and court system.

    What would happen with a group of drunken punks get met with disapproval with a group of local men with rakes, hoes and torches (like in the old Frankenstein flicks)?  That would have a seriously dampening effect on this sort of thing.

    We’ll see.

    Posted by Archie    United States   04/02/2009  at  04:38 PM  

  2. Well, if Islamic courts can have legal standing in the UK, why not “Old English” courts?  You know, the ones where they used to hang people…

    Posted by Joseph    United States   04/02/2009  at  05:04 PM  

  3. This attack was particularly brutal and of course any attack by a group of punks is.
    Thing is, there is so damn much of it I haven’t posted all I seek.
    And the older I get the more defenseless I feel.

    That other post re. the young teen girls who murdered that old lady and laughed is another example of how out of control things are.
    Oh but hurt someones feelings or utter a racial oath in anger and the gods of police power fall on your head.
    It sucks. And it.s the fault of the left but I also think the right should have become violent in answer but didn’t.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/03/2009  at  06:14 AM  

  4. Yes, we sane, sensible, hard working people have tried at times to stand up to the growing insanity - but like our former VP candidate got attacked with all kinds of lies, slander and just plain - ‘shoving your beliefs down my throat’ bs. Which is so hypocritical, as they are (sadly successfully) shoving their atheistic, anarchistic and facist (you believe what the ‘government’ tells you or you shut up) tyranny down everyone’s throat on a daily basis and now it appears with the G20 - down the World’s throats.

    Time for everyone to stand up and say Enough.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/03/2009  at  07:46 AM  

  5. I was at a crime analysis conference last week. One of the main speakers was a very engaging man named Jerry Ratcliffe ( is former London constable and is now a Professor at Temple University in Philadelhia. He is an expert in crime analysis and intelligence led policing but he seeems to be rather the advocate for gun control. He kept referring to the low rate of firearm homicides in England; only 61 among a population of 50 million or so as compared to the USA.

    I was very tempted to ask him about the rise of violent crime in England (and Australia)and the 2005 UN report listing Scotland and England as the two most violent countries of the so called civilized world. True, this was based on a telephone survey, but the results indicted that someone living in the UK was more than twice as likely living as get the snot pounded out of them as someone in the US. This was reported by the BBC here:

    Does someone in England have any input as to the violent crime increase? The US media was reporting that the British Isles are crime infested, so much so that the Brits changed the way they report crime in order to artificially reduce crime reporting, not the incidence of crime. The British Crime Survey apparently has some glaring faults:

    “More recently, a 2000 report from the Inspectorate of Constabulary charges Britain’s 43 police departments with systemic under-classification of crime – for example, by recording burglary as “vandalism.” The report lays much of the blame on the police’s desire to avoid the extra paperwork associated with more serious crimes.

    Britain’s justice officials have also kept crime totals down by being careful about what to count.

    “American homicide rates are based on initial data, but British homicide rates are based on the final disposition.” Suppose that three men kill a woman during an argument outside a bar. They are arrested for murder, but because of problems with identification (the main witness is dead), charges are eventually dropped. In American crime statistics, the event counts as a three-person homicide, but in British statistics it counts as nothing at all. “With such differences in reporting criteria, comparisons of U.S. homicide rates with British homicide rates is a sham,” the report concludes.”

    The above can be found at News Max at this location:

    Any Brits that can shed some light on this?

    Posted by sig94    United States   04/03/2009  at  04:26 PM  

  6. These are the latest comparative stats I can find on international victimization:

    DEFINITION: People victimized by crime (as a % of the total population). Data refer to people victimized by one or more of 11 crimes recorded in the survey: robbery, burglary, attempted burglary, car theft, car vandalism, bicycle theft, sexual assault, theft from car, theft of personal property, assault and threats. Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence.

    SOURCE: UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). 2002. Correspondence on data on crime victims. March. Turin

    #1 Australia: 30.1%
    #2 New Zealand: 29.4%
    #3 United Kingdom: 26.4%
    #4 Netherlands: 25.2%
    #5 Sweden: 24.7%
    #6 Italy: 24.6%
    #7 Canada: 23.8%
    #8 Saint Kitts and Nevis: 23.2%
    #9 Malta: 23.1%
    #10 Denmark: 23%
    #11 Poland: 22.7%
    #12 France: 21.4%
    #13 Belgium: 21.4%
    #14 Slovenia: 21.2%
    #15 United States: 21.1%
    #16 Finland: 19.1%
    #17 Austria: 18.8%
    #18 Switzerland: 18.2%
    #19 Portugal: 15.5%
    #20 Japan: 15.2%
    Weighted average: 22.4%

    Posted by sig94    United States   04/03/2009  at  09:15 PM  

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