Health and safety zealots :  HERE WE GO AGAIN.


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 05/27/2008 at 08:24 AM   
  1. This is the difference between free people and slaves. Slaves ask. Free people just do. The woman should have just put up whatever the heck pool she wanted.And when the council came around - if they did - laugh in their faces and tell them to get bent. Enough people do that - say even 15% and your councils become powerless.

    Take back the nation, one inflatable kiddie pool at a time.

    (Not that things are much better here. Locals with above ground pools have to have a fully fenced yard, and then a 2 foot high railing around the top of the pool, and a gate on the ladder that can’t be opened by anyone under 5 feet tall.

    We had no fence, no railing, no ladder gate, and no ladder guard on our pool when I was a kid, yet nobody ever drowned in it. Even at night when we were asleep. Amazing.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/27/2008  at  03:49 PM  

  2. Yes Drew - although our pool was fenced - we had a roof top porch off an upstairs bedroom that became a real neat (and risky) diving board when drunk - somehow none of them missed. We rode in cars standing up and rode in the backs of trucks and shot guns, bows and other assorted weapons and non weapons turned into weapons - summer after summer after summer.

    People today are just treated like helpless children again and again on the most inane things - while a group of people intent on killing everyone not them are treated with kid gloves and those of us who scream about them - are called racists and fear mongers.

    I am so tired of watching the pc police busy taking away our rights one after another while people blithly think that they just have such ‘good intentions’ - and roll over and let them do it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/28/2008  at  04:29 PM  

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