Head teachers will be forced to list children as young as five on school ‘hate registers.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/04/2010 at 12:09 PM   
  1. We had a kid in our class once called ‘Stinky’ coz generally he did.

    Yeah, we had one too. Though it wasn’t anything he put on his hair…

    One year I shared a locker with him. He never took his gym clothes home for washing, for example. I suppose I’d be a bully because every couple of weeks the stench would get to me. I’d bring a trash bag from home, don rubber gloves, stuff his gym clothes into the bag, take ‘em home and run them through the washer (extremely HOT setting). I’d bring them back with one of those little packets of laundry detergent you buy at the laundromat. Cruel huh?

    Yes, I’ve exaggerated the above story. I never donned any rubber gloves. I did wash my hands thoroughly afterwards.

    I was bullied far more than normal as a kid. Not so much that ‘I’ was the target, it’s just that I tended to befriend kids who got bullied. You know, the ‘nerds’, ‘bookworms’, ‘kids who “screwed the curve”,’etc. Did I mention the D&D players?

    Mind you, I was all of the above. It’s just that I was almost as big as the football players. So I stood up for them. I got my @ss handed to me numerous times. But the bullies knew they’d been in a fight, and they usually left my friends alone afterwards.

    Funny thing about bullies: they never took me on one-on-one. Nope, three-to-one was usual. 4+ was better. No wonder I got my @ss handed to me.

    The whole point of my story is that this so-called ‘anti-bullying’ stuff is counter-productive. One of the ‘strengths’ used in the battle of public education vs. home-schooling is socialization. But, if you don’t let the kids learn how to handle the bullies on their own, what’s the point of ‘socialization’? One must learn how to deal with @ssholes.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/04/2010  at  01:15 PM  

  2. So… OCM… are you admitting to being… a bully?

    Or just a sham Wooly Bully?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/04/2010  at  02:05 PM  

  3. you guys have it right of course but the libtard lefties here seem to think (sincerely) that everyone can be protected not only form actual verbal abuse and bullying, but even the thought of it. The most innocent remark that may somehow cause hurt feelings is outlawed. Not actually saying the word or words WILL cause hurt, just that they MIGHT. They’re nuts but they are also the ones calling the dumb shots. And how’s this. Way I see it, turn on a bully and floor the bastard and immediately become not the intended victim but the aggressor.
    I think the idea is you’re supposed to hold hands and talk it through. No wait. No hand holding. That MIGHT be sexual aggression. Bah. They are DOOMED!

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/05/2010  at  03:44 AM  

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