Halftime Score: Bush - 34, Media - 0


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/23/2006 at 02:31 PM   
  1. The left-wing liberal “mainstream” media (I know, redunant) is to us, what a virus is to a computer. The LWLMSM will cause irreparable brain damage, the cyber-virus will cause HDD damage.  Avoid both at all costs. National Enquirer is more fact-based than the LWLMSM.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   03/23/2006  at  02:49 PM  

  2. The truth is worse than making it sound worse than it is, they are making it worse than it needs to be. Their lopsided reporting is encouraging the enemy to hang tough, keep up the pressure (murders, kinappings, bombings, etc) until the tremulous hand-wringers and cringing defeatists force an American and allied retreat under fire.

    No two ways about it, these guys are actively helping the enemy, and the worst part is that many of them know it, but they will keep doing it to spite Bush.  cussing

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   03/23/2006  at  03:03 PM  

  3. Rickvid, you are so right - to undermine our military just because they are trying to get at Bush. You would think that after 6 years and he is still ok (and no one from HIS administration has died under suspicious circumstances, gone to the big house (don’t hold your breath on either Libby or Delay), or been exposed without fellow Dems also exposed for the same infraction, that these morons would give up as it is a losing venture. The American public knows truth when they see it, hear it and certainly after a time or two of abysmal failures (Jersy Girls, Rathergate, MM/Fakenheit 911, Plamegate) that they would give up.

    But no, they keep on with their stupid rantings, skewings and ‘accusations’ while the President and current administration keep on keeping on and winning. Man I’ve got to start praying that WMK, OBL and the rescue of SGT Maulpin all come within days of the ‘08 election and the Dems register so few votes it will be an eternal embarassment to them.

    And never, ever will they admit that they are WRONG. It will always be someone’s mis-interpretation or perception. Never them. And as I said on the cartoon of the media, one’s opinion is NOT news. And it isn’t the way to report news.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/23/2006  at  04:10 PM  

  4. This is all propaganda. The media’s approval rate can’t be over 10%.  22% - No Way.  cool grin

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   03/23/2006  at  04:49 PM  

  5. Just like those jerks in Congress - going on and on about the President’s falling poll numbers, until someone (bloggers rule!) brought out that the numbers of Congress in polls makes the President look oh so much better!

    And that’s another thing about these guys and gals - even when they are pointed out to be wrong, stupid, mistaken, lying, etc - they keep on, pretending that their faults were never brought out, drop that issue and pursue another until sufficient time has passed and then they bring up their original story to help re-enforce their current piece of garbage. And then it goes again down the drain and so on and so on. I think if people didn’t need bird cage, kitty box, puppy pads - the newspaper world would cease to exist overnight. TV news is fast behind.

    And still they won’t see that their stupidity is at fault.

    Did you get the newest one, Charlie Sheen questioning 9/11 - like a man who can’t keep his zipper closed, who was expelled from high school (within weeks of graduating), the son a real enviro wacko has any business speaking up on the investigations into 9/11. Oh well there goes his show.

    Will they ever learn?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/23/2006  at  05:29 PM  

  6. Thanks for the poll, Skipper. It’s good news in the face of the left-wing media bombardment I’m subjected to even here in my small-town Montana newspaper.


    Posted by Jester    United States   03/23/2006  at  08:14 PM  

  7. Ah, the children of Dr. Goebbels..........

    Is it possible that the MSM is going to realize that delivering propaganda instead of news is going to cost them?  Is it possible that they will change their ways?  grin

    Naw, it must be a dream.  Let me just have another joint and enjoy the dream while I can.

    btw - is anybody enjoying Meathead’s (Rob Reiner’s) political misadventures as much as I am?  Even the L.A. Times isn’t supporting him!  He’s so self righteous that he thinks he’s justified in using state funds to further his personal political agenda!  I nominate him for Moonbat of the week.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/23/2006  at  10:22 PM  

  8. Thank God for the internet - the entire world of information, mis information and propaganda right at your fingertips. 

    It’s a lot of work, but I can usually find the facts of what I want to know.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/24/2006  at  09:39 AM  

  9. OCM, I agree - only buy the newspaper once a week for the tv book (I’m the only one in the house who likes tv guide), watch FNC for an hour once a day and mostly leave the rest alone.

    I just wonder, why they think that I want to hear ‘yucky’ or the latest detail on the murder of the week or who in hollyweird are splitting up and so on and so on and so on. Locally, I want to know traffic, weather, any issues on the next ballot and maybe a couple of local sports scores.

    I hate medical ‘spots’ now, as the info changes almost weekly as some new ‘wonder drug’ comes out or a new ‘study’ [i.e. funded by either the pharmacedical mega corp that is going to make the drug or a ama group that is on their payroll - which translates into it is meaningless and as people begin to suffer from side effects of this new drug - then the reality will finally be told]

    It has come about because of this 24/7/365 tv/cable, internet world - they have to fill the space and if they weren’t already big headed from being ‘journalists’ now that the camera is on them so dang much - it renders them useless.

    I complain because so much of what is coming out of late is lies, misinformation and pure opinion not news. It’s gotten worse since Bush was elected and who gives a darn. The system has ensured that he will only serve 8 years. He got more a larger percentage than Clinton did - so get over it. Suffer through it and learn how to get your candidate elected. Not spend the 8 years lying, whinning and actively taking apart the country, because you are unhappy about the election.

    The media needs to grow up and then insist that the politicians grow up. But I don’t see it happening besides this is the one place I can bitch and complain with intelligent people - every other place I try either drives me away (that’s not what we are about) or ends up using the dem/lib cliche of the week or obscenities to ‘debate’ with me.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/24/2006  at  07:28 PM  

  10. I nominate Micheal Moore from Flint Michigan as MoonBat of the week. Hez tooo stoopid for words.  Moore is creating his “New Film”, called: Fat Peole Are Unhealthy, Ugly and Too Expensive for All Taxpayers.

    The St. Petersburg Times is really after Katherine Harris with the most negative propaganda I have ever seen.  Yesterday, the St. Pete Times did a story about Harris and said her own people want her to quit because she is too religous.  Then they had a photo of Katherine Harris and the next “Headline” to the right was one word - “NAZI.”

    If the FAGS at the St. Pete Times [[[hates]]] Katherine Harris, that’s good enough for me.  I do formally announce my support for Katherine Harris for US Senate (Florida).

    Katherine Harris treats her body like a temple. Senator Stabenow and Micheal Moore treat their bodies like they were TENTS. beer_drinker campfire

    Retire Democratic Senators Nelson (D-FL) & Stabenow (D-MI) / Vote Zandstra & Harris for US Senate.  big_us_flag

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   03/26/2006  at  07:01 AM  

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