Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/19/2010 at 10:31 AM   
  1. Lets not forget the tsunami incident, where US donors on one site (Amazon) alone donated (not pledged; donated. Big difference) more money than any two European governments gave.  Then, our military sent an aircraft carrier with its desalination plants working full time to deliver fresh water, and planes/helis to deliver food and relief personnel.
    What pisses me off is that f’in UN tool Jan Egeland then said we in the west were ‘stingy.’ Oh really?  He said that we in the US want to be taxed more to help the world.

    Don’t speak for me, chump. 

    One of these days, we’ll have a president in office who will have the guts to say, “We’re sitting this one out, lets see how the rest of the world does,’ and watch it all turn to shit.

    Posted by baboy    United States   01/19/2010  at  11:21 AM  

  2. Yeah, like they said, I’m still waiting for the humanitarian relief effort where we trip over the French.

    The Haitians were f**ked before the earthquake, but I cannot refuse to help starving children because their country sucks the big one.

    Posted by Chops    United States   01/19/2010  at  11:36 AM  

  3. The tsunami effort was better than that, within 24 hours (no bullshit thinking about it) and just behind an Aussie naval ship, the carrier, stationed some way offshore to get silt free water for its de-sal plant, was in action the techs rigged up a huge main on the flight deck (36 inch I think) and were delivering clean good drinking water when needed. The US taxpayer is funding a lot more if you consider the running cost of all the kit. I would guess the real problem with Haiti is that the UN have been running it and prior to that some other communist regeme fucked it.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   01/19/2010  at  06:05 PM  

  4. Also, by it’s nature, a tsunami happens in an accessible area—right near the shore.  The main airport in Haiti is a mess.

    Posted by Chops    United States   01/19/2010  at  06:10 PM  

  5. Give it up OCM. I emailed you the other day that nobody can post a link that has “xxx” in it. It’s called your basic pr0n filter. Doesn’t matter if it’s the URL or the file name.

    You guys know this is how it always goes. If the USA isn’t there BEFORE the earth stops shaking or the waves stop rolling in or the 9th ward stops flooding, we’re at fault.

    And here’s me, looking up ROROs, and LSTs, and high wheel tractors, thinking that maybe the best way to give aid to these losers in the future is to just to send in some sort of jumbo Higgins boats that can manage a standard shipping container or two. Load them up from the carrier offshore, then drive them to the beach. Haul them onto the beach and up the strand with the high wheel tractors, then take the doors off. Lather, rinse, repeat. The locals can come down to the beach, get some supplies, and when each container is empty it will work as temporary housing.

    Yes, Haiti’s main port and it’s airport (it’s ONE airport) are overwhelmed. Because it’s the Turd World fer cryin’ out loud. So bypass them, and go all Omaha Beach with the aid relief. If you can’t walk down hill in that tiny little place to the beach to get some goodies, then you have my permission to just drop dead.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/19/2010  at  06:35 PM  

  6. And as all this good is going on on our part as a caring nation, and also giving the Dimwits in DC their due for allowing our magnificent men in uniform to “get er done”, the folks in massachusetts also had time to send a big ol “FUCK YOU GUYS” message as a way of making this a great week for the Good Guys all around.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/20/2010  at  12:08 AM  

  7. I guess my heart has hardened over the years. If you are pissy when we give you something, fine. We will just take it back, pack up & go home. Done, seeya!

    Screw anyone that hates us enough to take our help & hate us for it.

    Posted by KnightHawk67    United States   01/20/2010  at  09:33 AM  

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