gypsies again … but a very different place. a px on the filthy bastards.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/17/2012 at 10:31 AM   
  1. Just shoot the bastards, Davey.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/17/2012  at  07:32 PM  

  2. I believe Mr. Molotov needs to have a Cocktail party.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   08/17/2012  at  09:21 PM  

  3. Speaking of Gypos, Knackers or Pikeys..... here’s a story about how they act in Ireland.


    1) The “County Carlow Borris horse fair” has been in existence for hundreds of years.

    2) Two hundred years ago it was appropriate to have a horse fair in a “Provincial” town...when the horse was the only mode of travel....Not today.

    3) As per usual, no attempt was made to hold anyone responsible. Like collecting a “cash-bond” from a Knacker committee in case something like this happens. Or policing the main street where the fair is held. The honest taxpaying citizen is left holding the bag as usual and as usual the “sheeple” utter nary a bah.

    4) No arrests made for littering or dumping bacause the Gardai (Irish police) have been brow-beaten by the Libtard, Political Correct crowd into fearing legal action that they won’t so much as look at a knacker the wrong way.

    5) Conclusion: Ireland is a dump run by Socialist/Liberal lunatics.


    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   08/18/2012  at  02:57 AM  

  4. "Ireland is a dump run by Socialist/Liberal lunatics. “

    Yes, but NJY, we knew that already. That’s what the whole IRA thing was about for all those years wasn’t it? Oh, screw that “independence from England” BS - they just wanted to set up as close to a commie gov as they could. Now, seeing how far to the red left England already is, for Ireland to look leftie to them ... means the IRA’s goals have pretty much been achieved, right?

    But then, OTOH, the only industrious Irish that ever were came over here. You’re left with the squats and the lumps.

    But regarding your link ...

    Early risers were greeted with a jacuzzi dumped outside the post office, as well as televisions, vacuum cleaners and mattresses strewn along the street.

    Must have been one helluva party!  (or a cover op for fencing stolen things)

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/18/2012  at  07:38 AM  

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