gween council suggests meatless day to save planet. union says drop ded


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 07/29/2011 at 09:58 AM   
  1. Is it just me? Or can’t the lefty tree-huggers just eat everything but meat anyway? Or are we getting to the point of civil war of Lilliputian scope? We may not war over which end of the egg to break first, but we are getting to where certain segments of society (I use that term loosely) want to impose their menu on all of us.

    As an aside, I’ve noticed that all vegetarians/vegans/tree huggers, etc, are always city people. I’ve yet to meet one who has any idea of how to farm, raise crops, raise livestock, etc. I honestly think they believe that food comes handily packaged. I bet they never even collected eggs from their own chickens, much less killed and butchered their own chickens.

    No. They haven’t. They also keep forgetting that the only reason they can indulge themselves in their ‘pious’ eating habits is that modern technology allows us to ship fresh fruits/veggies from places like Africa, Australia, South America in the middle of winter.

    They should read up on their own British history. Especially look up the food history, what was available, and when. I actually have a book (pdf format) I can send to whoever is interested. These city vegetarians would have died of numerous nutrition problems if they tried it then. Just think of how many British (and other) sailors died of scurvy before someone discovered limes. Hence, British sailors were called ‘limeys’. But they didn’t die of scurvy much.

    My point is that it is only modern farming/technology/transport systems that allow these bleeding hearts to exist at all. How long would Britain last without shipping food? I do not believe Britain is self-sufficient.

    I could continue, but I think I’ve made my point. These leftist/tree-hugger/animal rights extremists can only exist in modern cities with modern commerce. They would die of several diseases caused by malnutrition (scurvy,etc) if they tried to adhere to their ‘diet’ under normal food availability. By ‘normal’ I’m talking from the Roman occupation until, say the formation of British East India Company. (another company that was ‘too big to fail’ eh?)

    If they really, truly, believe in their gustatory vegan delights, they should revel in success of Ireland in the 1800s. (tongue stuck firmly in cheek, left cheek, got a broken tooth on the right side.)

    Posted by Christopher    United States   08/01/2011  at  04:26 PM  

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