

Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/21/2007 at 11:36 AM   
  1. There are also engineers and records that deny our Playboy’s choice of “experts”.

    Posted by Officer Pupp    United States   02/21/2007  at  02:38 PM  

  2. I keep wondering about what must drive the Global Warming advocates.  Like many other forms of environmentalists and other “progressives”, the common, repeating factor is the shutting down, serious compromise or export of economic activity in First World countries, especially the United States.  Lately though, I spotted an article about flowers from Africa being sent to Great Britain.  The point of the article was that the jet fuel used to ship the flowers was contributing to global warming more than the fuel needed to ship flowers from the Continent to G.B.  This particular variety of tree hugger doesn’t want anyone to get ahead, not even the starving millions of Africa who so desperately need exports to lift themselves out of their misery.  To all you tree huggers out there - buzz off.  I believe that people should have the opportunity to earn a living for themselves.

    Going a little further, I look at how the liberals and their kin have shut down so many alternatives.  Here in Los Angeles, they just delivered the final death blow to a plan for an LNG terminal.  Clean burning natural gas will have to find another (and more expensive) way to get here.  Nuclear power has been shut down for the last 30 years.  Wind Farms are under fire for killing birds.  Dams are supposed to interfere with fish.  Coal is dirty.  Using 1% of the North Slope of Alaska for oil drilling invites environmental disaster.  What’s left?  Hooking generators to bicycles?  I can accept the idea that one source of power may be better than another, but every power source that I know of has faced organized opposition from one segment of the liberal bloc or another.  My Hollywood Moonbat 3rd cousin says that it’s not his responsibility to find a good alternative, but it is his right to oppose anything that he doesn’t like, such as nuclear power and LNG.  Since he inherited quite a bit of money, he isn’t concerned about how the poorer (like me) people get along.  Kind of reminiscent of folks like Al Gore.  He has his and the rest of us just have to sacrifice.  I thought liberals were supposed to favor the little guy!

    I get a certain amount of hope from the likes of Pete Du Pont here.  Will enough people listen?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/21/2007  at  04:36 PM  

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