Gorgeous But Wrong


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/05/2013 at 11:15 AM   
  1. As the list of youngens’ I know are underemployed or unemployed - this jingle to ‘sell’ his mess (recent poll among them is at 57% against) - isn’t going to fly.

    He’s lost his god-like position and the disaster that is the US right now, isn’t helping anyone but complete sold out Obots (who either are financially above this mess, ideologically as Left as Obama or who are the low information entitlement crowd) who buy any of this crappola.

    And - our tax money went to pay for this bs.

    Fraud, waste and abuse - the current (and really since about 1913) Federal government. Time limits be damned - it’s time for We The People to take back America.

    BTW, OT - ‘google’ (we need a new word, since google is paying you to spy on you - they offered us money to put their ‘box’ in our house) LTC Robert Bateman to read his ‘ideas’ on guns in America. Somehow, this guy forgot the oath he swore (how many times, isn’t it each promotion?)- re: the Constitution.
    read more.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/05/2013  at  12:17 PM  

  2. I will bet anything this stupid girl is not paying for her own health care.  It’s easy to say not to worry about the price when you are either rich or not paying the bill.  For those of us that are being made to dig even deeper into our pockets or face losing our health care...well, we do worry about the price.  When that ca-ching is the change being shaken loose from our pockets because the govt has flipped us upside down in order to relieve us from the few pennies we still have, we tend to get a little concerned. 

    As I see it, in the last few years, gas is an extra hundred or so, my electric bill another fifty, groceries another hundred to a hundred and fifty, and on and on nickel and dimed here and there for everything, and now my health care is a couple hundred more (if I’m lucky), it is adding up.  Just how much money does the govt think the average person has at the end of the month after paying all the bills?  That extra few hundred left over used to go to a nice dinner out once in a while, put away for that vacation we wanted to take next year, or just plain save for a rainy day or possibly retirement...well that “extra cash” is now gone.  The only thing that hasn’t gone up is my salary.  No raises for the last several years, and yet, I am happy if I even still have a job. 

    This twit will learn.  All kids are liberals until they get a job, get married, buy a house and have kids.  When they realize that they are NOT SPECIAL, and that life is tough, and money is not free, they become conservative. 

    What is really sad, is these “kids” don’t realize that the real victims will be themselves.  That bill will come due one day.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   12/05/2013  at  02:07 PM  

  3. In case anyone ever had doubts as to why and how really pretty, neigh Beautiful women can become whores and porn stars, There is your answer.
    “Pretty” is not in the thesaurus beside “Smart”.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/05/2013  at  03:50 PM  

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