GOP strategists mull McCain ‘blowout’ (WTF?)


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 05/25/2008 at 02:58 PM   
  1. I’ll vote for him, but I’m not going to be happy doing it.

    Posted by John C    United States   05/25/2008  at  09:49 PM  

  2. I have registered Libertarian because of the non-choice choice…


    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   05/26/2008  at  04:04 AM  

  3. I’m holding on the Libertarian option until Bob Barr gets their nod. Remember who else is running for that: Mike Gravel. Now there’s a Moonbat’s Moonbat. He makes Dennis Kucinich look conservative.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   05/26/2008  at  07:16 AM  

  4. I’ve been a Libertarian for years, although I usually vote Republican in the nationals. I’m probably more okay with McCain (that name literally means “Child of Cain.” Hmmm....) than most of you guys, but..... all I can do at this point is wait and see. Sometimes he has struck me as a thoroughly loose cannon, but sometimes he has struck me as the only actual voice of reason in Congress, too. To be fair, being a voice of reason can be a handicap sometimes when dealing with unreasonable people.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   05/26/2008  at  09:28 AM  

  5. Gang, one thing that he has been consistently conservative (yes, I’m saying that McCain’s been conservative on something!) on is abortion.  He has said that he would nominate pro-life judges (or SCOTUS justices).  Pro-life judges tend to be conservative in other areas, too (not necessarily that they are, but the tend to be).  That is one thing I can vote for him on.

    Posted by BlueStateSaint    United States   05/26/2008  at  01:37 PM  

  6. I will also wait and possibly change my mind, but right now the choice is between Senator Obama and Senator McCain.

    Okay, that’s not a choice generating real ecstasy in my tattered old black heart, but it’s clear enough.  We either get a pseudo-Republican who will likely—hopefully - appoint Conservative Judges, or we get a Marxist-populist radical in the image of Jimmy Carter but without the ‘morality nonsense’.

    Unless there’s a third choice that can be elected, voting in order to avoid choosing the ‘lesser of two evils’ is a stupid move to pretend self-righteousness while allowing the greater evil to prevail.

    Posted by Archie    United States   05/26/2008  at  06:16 PM  

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