Good Fences Make Good Neighbors


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/26/2006 at 01:06 PM   
  1. You yanks are so un pc i love it big_us_flag should have made it a mile wide or 1.610km as my french friend would say, these fuckers can dig, mind you sand aint the best thing to dig through, where are the land mines?  dont make the same mistake we made we dug the tunnal and put a welcome mat at the end. where is peiper tonight? LOL

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   10/26/2006  at  01:46 PM  

  2. It’s mostly desert, gators and pirhana won’t fare very well, fill those ditches with rattlers, copperheads, scorpions, tarantulas and gila monsters.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   10/26/2006  at  02:22 PM  

  3. A brick one to, where the hell would you find the laboure to do that

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   10/26/2006  at  02:24 PM  

  4. This makes me sad in that Mexico has such amazing potential that a flow of illegals should be unnecessary. Friggin’ Mex government is running a sort of voluntary slave trade, sending the workers north in order to get the money they can send back.

    So crooked they screw their socks on.

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   10/26/2006  at  02:30 PM  

  5. Rat, you are talking OCMs pet collection grin

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   10/26/2006  at  02:30 PM  

  6. Rickvid,Its been going on for years in the UK, Indians n packis treat there own like shit, dont worry you will get the blame.fuck mexico.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   10/26/2006  at  03:34 PM  

  7. Mmmmmmmmm-hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ......

    Rattlesnakes. Lots of rattlesnakes.

    Throw in a few gazillion tarantulas. Better.

    OK, we have a plan.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   10/26/2006  at  04:12 PM  

  8. I do not want to rain on anyone’s picnic here, but fixed defenses simply do not stop people who are determined to get through them, or around them, if possible.

    What did Patton call them?  “Monuments to the stupidity of man?” The Great Wall of China and the remaining Roman walls, not to mention the remains of the Maginot Line and the Westwall, can testify to that well enough.  And our new “Southwall” will join them, that is, if ever it is built.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/26/2006  at  06:29 PM  

  9. I just got back from Laredo. There are enough rattlesnakes and tarantulas down there already. Build it and they will come. They moved the London Bridge to Arizona. Maybe we can get the Great Wall of China down there too.

    I am with you Tannenberg, this is a truely a dumb idea. The wall will work just fine until the first wetback with a pair of pliers and a hacksaw comes along. If you are going to secure that border, it will have to be done with boots on the ground like East and West Germany or North and South Korea. We don’t have the political will or sufficent troops to do that.

    This is nice pre-election fluff, but little else. GW was the Governor of Texas. I have voted for him every time he has run for anything. I am not real sure I would now. He had the right idea to start with with the guest worker program. You can’t kick them all out at this point. The lawns won’t get mowed.

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   10/26/2006  at  10:10 PM  

  10. Where do we get the labor, you ask…

    Since all these mess’cans are so eager to breach our borders to seek work, I say, just have the Border Patrol and Sheriff Joe Arpaio round up the next few tens of thousands, set them up with some nice comfy free accomodations, a’ la Mariicopa County Jail, and make them work for their tents, cots and stale bologna sammiches, by building the wall. Then once it’s done, give them a one-way pass back south over the border.  soapbox  soapbox

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   10/27/2006  at  07:26 AM  

  11. Oh I think we could kick them all out if we really wanted to Stanley. Not all at once, but it could be done. And there are ways we could staff up the border watchers too. Maybe use prison labor ... every beaner you catch is 6 months off your time.

    If we have the will we can find a way. Problem is finding the will in the first place.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/27/2006  at  11:20 AM  

  12. 10-4 on the finding the will part Drew458. It probably ain’t gonna happen.

    The people who think that building a wall will work (and I don’t think that GW really believes that it will), probably haven’t spent enough time in a border town to understand how they work. Every day in Laredo, thousands of Mexicans come across the bridges to shop, work, conduct business, visit relatives or whatever. This is not illegal. The border towns depend on this happening to drive the economy.

    A lot of the Mexicans will buy some groceries at the HEB, or some jeans at Casa Raul and turn around and go back to Mexico. This is perfectly legal. If you want to stay in the US, all you have to do is head north instead of south.

    There is a border patrol checkpoint about 40 miles north of Laredo on I-35. To travel past that point, you need the proper papers. I have been through that checkpoint hundreds of times and I have never been stopped and searched. I am a big ugly Anglo, as you can no doubt tell from my avatar. The Captain can also vouch for this as we used to work together. Here is what happens.

    1) You drive up to the checkpoint.
    2) The Border Patrol agent asks, “US citizen?”
    3) I say, “Yes sir.”
    4) He waves me through the checkpoint.

    If a big ugly Anglo wants to be “coyote” (people smuggler), he can make about $500 per Mexican for each time he gets waved through. A very small percentage of thousands of trucks and cars that roll through the checkpoint every day get searched.

    If you don’t want to pay a coyote, you can hike around it. Just get someone to drop you off somewhere on the south side of the checkpoint, hike through the ranches, and get someone to pick you up on the north side of the checkpoint. Sometimes the Border Patrol will catch you, but most of the time they won’t. A lot of the ranchers will build steps over the barbed wire fences so that they don’t get cut or damaged. You really don’t want the cattle to get loose.

    A lot of the Mexicans, particularly the wealthier ones (there are more of them than you would think) would rather shop in San Antonio or Dallas and these cities welcome their pesos. It is very easy to get the papers to do that. They get waved through the checkpoint too. Sometimes they don’t go back to Mexico.

    A fence will not do anything at all to prevent Mexicans from getting into the US. The only reason that a Mexican would swim the Rio Grande or climb a fence to get into the US, would be to get the benefit of the good exercise.

    I am sorry to have inflicted this depressing reality check on BMEWS readers, but that is what is happening down here in Texas. Some type of national ID card is a better way to deal with this.

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   10/27/2006  at  02:48 PM  

  13. I can vouch for Stanley. Yes, he is a big, ol’, ugly, white gringo. Si!

    He’s also a decent redneck and a helluva good computer geek (like me).

    National ID? NO! Land mines! Lots of ‘em. Bouncin’ Betties from Corpus Christi to San Diego! Two miles wide. Turn on the surveillance cameras and create a new TV show on FOX - “SURVIVOR: BORDER CROSSING”. It should get better ratings than “American Idol”. Every time a Mess-can gets his-self blowed up, a voice-over comes on with Donald Trump saying “YOU’RE FIRED!”

    Bwah-hah-hah-hah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ......

    mexico_flag  machinegun  machinegun  clap  clap

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   10/27/2006  at  04:00 PM  

  14. A bad idea is still a bad idea even it is a Republican idea. At least the funding to build these fences will never be approved. My favorite Texas Longhorn cheerleader, Kay Bailey Hutchison got it right when she said:

    I have consistently supported and voted in favor of border security efforts such as the installation of reinforced fencing in strategic areas where high trafficking of narcotics, unlawful border crossings, and other criminal activity exists. I have also supported installing physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors where necessary.

    However, I object to the Congress making decisions about the location of border fencing. These decisions should be made by State and local law enforcement officials working with the Department of Homeland Security, not dictated by Congress. The border States have borne a heavy financial burden from illegal immigration; their local officials are on the front lines. They should be part of the solution.

    To paraphrase, “All you stupid Yankees can stuff this fence where the light don’t shine. You really have no idea what’s going on down here. I guess I will have to vote for this stupid thing anyway...”

    If GW had any balls he would have vetoed it.

    We Republicans are an endangered species. We are done for in this election and we deserve it. Bull Moose Party eh…

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   10/27/2006  at  05:05 PM  

  15. Except where else put a border fence than on a border?

    Posted by Officer Pupp    United States   10/28/2006  at  06:01 PM  

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