
okay ...this was the scene last saturday.  no snow or ice today but still very cold and rainy. of course it is. it’s england. and it isn’t warm. maybe the gorebal warming freaks would like to pay our heating bill.
btw ...this is our little street.

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 04/13/2008 at 08:16 AM   
  1. It sure is a good thing that the Earth doesn’t heat up as fast as the Glowbull Worming Troo Beliefers<sup>tm</sup>!!

    And this guy Harrabin is a wimp.

    PS - love the expression “after being harried”. Attacked by a hawk. Or a dove, as in this case. It’s just so English.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/13/2008  at  09:04 AM  

  2. Today is Sunday, April 13. Forecast? Snow! No, really! And to think that I dug out the lawn mower just last week! I wanted to get ahead of all the rain that was forecast. Snow!

    Yeah, globullshiat. Snow!


    In April!

    Did I mention snow? In April?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   04/13/2008  at  09:10 AM  

  3. Is this so surprizing?  Since when has the manipulators - odd Ms. Abbess should choose that particular word - given even lip service to the idea of debate or exchange of ideas.  The doctrine of Global Warming is not to be questioned and only Muslim extremists are more vicious or violent in their suppression of opposition.

    What would happen if - when - Ms. Abbess and the “Campaign Against Climate Change” obtain actual authority?

    Once again, I am totally amazed, mystified and somewhat terrified at the antics of politicians and moonbati in the United States.  Then I am delighted I live in the U. S. instead of the U. K.  (I say that in sympathy with the unheard sensible folk who are stuck in the U. K.; not in some gratuitous superiority stance.)

    I still think we need to arrange a trade.  All the moonbati in the U. S. will move to the U. K. and all the sensible people of the U. K. get to come and live in America.  So moved; is there a second?

    Posted by Archie    United States   04/13/2008  at  09:58 AM  

  4. archie...i don’t believe the U.K. is big enough to hold ALL of our moonbats! but it would be sensible to head this direction!

    Posted by Rancino    United States   04/13/2008  at  04:16 PM  

  5. Truth doesn’t matter to Msszzzz. Abbess. Her self-annointed position as oracle and heroine to save us from Gorebal warming is what matters, because it makes her feel needed and worthy within the frontiers of her tiny world. She will be very frightened about her actual insignificance if someone dares remove the blinders and she sees the whole horizon of possibilities, hence the rant.
    Mszzzzz. Abbess needs a horse whipping followed by tar and feathering.

    Posted by dick    United States   04/13/2008  at  04:25 PM  

  6. Sorry, Dick, but horse whipping would only fan the flames of moonbattery.

    Like a Jihad, they feed off of martyrs. They say that, because of the whipping/beating, they MUST be right, but “THE MAN” is keeping them down! I think it has something to do with the center of the brain that refuses to read evidence correctly, or to read “can”, “may”, “possible” and “negligible” as “WILL”, “SHALL”, “PROBABLE” and “OVERWHELMING”.

    Idiots. These are the people who will not take positive proof for anything, but will listen to quasi-qualified “scientists” as if they were God himself. You can’t convince them that the sky is blue, even with empirical proof, and 20 qualified meteorologists backing you up, because (insert name here) who worked in the Lawrence Livermore laboratory (as a janitor, by the way) is louder and says it’s actually orange, but a *conspiracy* keeps it that way.
    Remember, the size of the brain is proportional to the size of mouth, which is why intelligent people say little, and moonbats scream like wounded wildebeests with a megaphone over the stupidest theories with the least evidence!
    Liberalism seems to attract the people with amazing charisma, but it runs off anyone with an IQ over cottage cheese, or the reasoning power of a retarded rat in a maze.

    Anyhow.. that’s my take.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   04/14/2008  at  06:00 PM  

  7. Hey now, let’s be fair, they’re smarter than cottage cheese.

    The phrase “somewhere between a cuttlefish and a line dancer” pops into my head....

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   04/15/2008  at  03:46 AM  

  8. I thought (tongue firmly implanted in cheek) that reporters, nee journalists were supposed to investigate a story and then simply ‘report’ (hence the name) the facts -

    And if the World Meteorological Organisation, states ‘that world temperatures have not continued to rise in the past 10 years, and this year will fall to a level markedly below the average of the past two decades’ - well then that is a fact. . .

    Sad that he caved into a gorebal warming crazy. So much for facts -

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/15/2008  at  08:49 AM  

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