Glenn Beck at CPAC


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/20/2010 at 08:05 PM   
  1. Ask (or don’t) and it falls tight on top of your head!
    Glenn Beck at CPAC


    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   02/21/2010  at  02:47 AM  

  2. We enjoyed it too - much like Rush Limbaugh last year (which was so neat to be there for, as was the year before when President Bush was there) - it was what was needed - NOW. He has a purpose in the chalk board - I think (like me) he is a visual learner - and so he provides it. Yes it is a bit hokey but as I said - for people like me - a picture (or words on a chalkboard) are indeed worth a thousand words in the impact they make on the brain.

    I particularly enjoyed (as did my husband, who sat there saying - watch this, he is going to lead straight to . . .YES, he did) as Glenn showed how - was it Wilson - claimed that - Americans are stupid, they just don’t get what I am saying, I need to explain it more - and set off on a whistlestop campaign (hmm, no where have I heard that before?!?)to explain a policy that Americans (oh, yes, the League of Nations - see it can be retrieved out of the old brain) DID NOT WANT!

    I loved going to CPAC (2008, 2009) to be able to meet (and get my picture) with Ann Coulter, to stand next to John Bolton as he answered questions in the hallway (much better looking in person), to listen to Cox of the NRA, Fred Thompson (if he had spoken like that on the campaign trail - how much different would the result be?!?) and to see the future of America become inspired by those who have lead us thus far. A shame that we did not have the money this year for us (youngest daughter (President of College Republicans and I) to go. Oh well, there is always next year.

    Much as people put down Glenn - for many of the same reasons they blast Sarah Palin - it is the common man who rose up to fight for America since the beginning and it is the common man who leads America back to the place that makes her great. It will be one of these new and thus unknown (which thanks to the election of The Won - the Dems can no longer use as a negative - how much more unknown can we get than the empty suit with ‘no’ paper trail past?!?) who will rise up and lead us back to the place America needs to be to make her great.

    And indeed - tomorrow, it can once again be morning in America.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/21/2010  at  07:23 AM  

  3. It sucks that Ron Paul won the straw poll.

    Posted by Macker    United States   02/21/2010  at  10:13 AM  

  4. I must agree, Glenn Beck had me in awe. Absolutely superb speech.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   02/21/2010  at  05:19 PM  

  5. Macker - the primary people who push that (the actual voters) are the youngest of the attendees - those who have been before are running between seminars & speeches like our pants are on fire (or sound asleep in a comfy chair) - last year my daughter and I were caught real close between two speakers upstairs at the time that poll was due - we could not, would not even think twice about running down to the Exhibitors hall to put it in the box. And both the years I’ve been there - Paul has been the biggest politico ‘hottie’ amongst the young CRs there.

    I don’t have a clue as to why but that is what I saw the two years I went.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/22/2010  at  07:11 AM  

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