Give it to Her


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/04/2007 at 08:25 AM   
  1. Now that is “thinking outside the box” about “the box” inside a box.

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   04/04/2007  at  02:07 PM  

  2. While it is indeed thinking outside the box - I’m more interested to watch the Shrieker of the House (who sees herself as Goddess, President and the Saviour of the US in one fell stroke) and Ms Hillary ‘Forthegreatergood’ Clinton (who sees herself as FeminazieveryWomanGoddess, President and Saviour of the US/World) take each other on. It should be wonderful to watch those two screw up the entire political process - that is if the dems don’t implode on themselves in the next few months. Which they seem to be doing at a fairly rapid rate.

    Did you catch Harry ‘haveIgotalanddealforyou’ Reid’s - it is a redeployment, not a withdrawal - comment. What a load of crappola.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/04/2007  at  04:04 PM  

  3. While that may be a chillingly effective way to prove how quickly, and how horribly badly, they could screw everything up, we the people would not get a chance to clear the congress, etc, of them next election because there wouldn’t be one. Oh dear!

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   04/04/2007  at  04:20 PM  

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