girl gang attack white woman, gang a protected group and go free. SEE THE IDIOT REASONING by judge


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/07/2011 at 07:50 AM   
  1. I think you need to redirect a big more of that RCOB old chum. Yes, the gang of girls is total scum. Muslims in name only ... MINOs? They seem to be picking up the worst aspects of assimilation. That said, it’s the judge who ought to be fried here. And fired. He clearly ignored the racist chants the attackers made; this was out and out a racially motivated hate crime. Racially motivated attempted murder ought to have been the charge, and these 4 should have got 10 to 15 in the slammer without parole. Allowing alcohol as an excuse is inexcusable. Does a 17 year old who guzzled his first 6 pack and then ran over several babies with a car get off because he wasn’t used to drinking? Nonsense.

    Disbar the judge, fine him half his pension for this moronic decision, then appeal the case to a higher court for stricter sentencing.

    Both the USA and the UK need some kind of “no confidence” lever built into the law to give piss-poor judges the boot. They have a tremendous public responsibility and need to walk a razor thin line between mercy and excessive vengence, but if they fall off that line they deserve to be immediately and severely cut.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/07/2011  at  09:45 AM  

  2. Yeah. Right on re. that ass wipe judge. They’re all part of the same ugly cesspit. And btw, the attacks on whites has been under reported. Or at least, not too much made of it.
    Very good editorial at Gates of which I’ll post. He says it with a cooler head then mine. As did you.  I can’t grasp the reasoning of that judge.
    This is not a safe place anymore Drew.  It started long ago, but you can bet your boots that the damned labour party in power for so long, has had a lot to do with what we have here now. Lyndon as usual has all the facts to hand.  I wish he’d write an editorial for us. Or a regular feature cos he’s good at it and he knows the workings first hand, having worked in the system.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/07/2011  at  10:38 AM  

  3. To be honest I am so disgusted and sick at heart with what has happened to my country I really don’t know what to say. As kid I don’t think I was racist and I was somewhat taken aback the first time I worked for a bunch of guys (in America as it happens) who referred to black people as niggers. However years later I worked for immigration and got to see first hand how the left ”

    rubbed the rights nose in it

    ” with the fetish for multiculturalism and the way they just caved in to the left wing judicial activists.

    We dealt with a lot of Somalis in UK immigration. One of the stunts they often pulled was to claim asylum in several countries. They invariably had four or more children and they invariably didn’t work for a living. Most of them came via Holland and the Dutch were only to pleased to see the back of them. Call me a racist if you will, but my view of them is that yare the scum of the earth and when the backlash comes it will be very ugly.

    In this case the judge should be horse whipped then disbarred and the Crown Prosecution Service (aka the criminal protection society) should have their upper echelons decimated. The more I see of this horseshit the more concerned I am that there is a conspiciracy to destroy England. What better way to bring about anarchy than to bring in the dross of the turd world and let them do as they like?

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   12/07/2011  at  04:09 PM  

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