Girl becomes youngest scout to scoop up all 33 badges… at the age of nine.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/31/2009 at 06:13 AM   
  1. While I commend her on her indeed daunting achievement - this is part of the problem today. Instead of working within the Girl Scouts to help move them forward (and besides what the hell is wrong with being a girl?!? - I am so damn tired of being put down as some dinosaur or moron simply because I enjoy what I am biologically and really, really enjoy that the men in my life are different biologically - and I am not in the least bit sorry that I have not ‘evolved’ (gag me with a spoon, now please) into some metrosexual useless, ugly, meanspirited, step on other people, climbing the ladder of success while destroying faith, family and more importantly men to get as many pieces of paper with dead presidents on them and of course all the ‘toys’ that someone else qualifies as symbols of ‘success’- /rant/ off - sorry I had to get that off my chest). Typical of this day and age - force yourself onto the other side and then ram it down rather than lift up your own. . .

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/31/2009  at  07:45 AM  

  2. Well good for this kid. Right now I don’t have time to read the post, but it looks like she’s a real go getter. Hurrah!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/31/2009  at  08:53 AM  

  3. Wardmom
    Well, while I don’t quite understand why her visit to a synagogue should earn a badge, that does seem weird, the kid sure does show a willingness to achieve and work towards what she wants. There are so many stories out there about kids age 10 and even younger who are already bad apples, I was pleased to see this one little girl with that great big smile
    do well.
    The article does not say but ... and I know nothing about the girl scouts here, maybe they didn’t present her enough of a challenge. ??

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/31/2009  at  12:33 PM  

  4. Wish I could send a personal congrats to this kid - That’s a serious, worth-a-pat-on-the-back achievement.
    From the father of a daughter with a Gold award. (The Girl Scouts equivalent of the Eagle Scout) - and yes, I am DAMN PROUD.

    Posted by T    United States   04/01/2009  at  08:48 AM  

  5. Parents have every right I believe, to be very proud of their kids when they do well. Even if not this well.  There’s so many off the rails these days it gets a bit disheartening.
    So Kudos to T’s daughter and his family too. Well done I say.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/02/2009  at  05:32 AM  

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