Gaza hospitals and UN warehouse hit .  Gee, ya know. War is hell.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/15/2009 at 09:49 PM   

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/15/2009  at  10:19 PM  

  2. If having hospital buildings and U.N buildings shelled is unacceptable, why isn’t it equally unacceptable for Hamas to site rockets and troops their?  Why do so few people care?  Hamas attacks Israel and the world hates Israel for defending herself.  There’s something wrong with this picture.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/16/2009  at  12:00 AM  

  3. There’s something wrong with this picture.

    Hey Doc.  Very interesting program on radio last night on the UNs reformed “human rights” something or other.  I can never keep track of the names they create but anyway.
    It was a half hour documentary in some parts critical of the UN rights agency that huffs and puffs and shakes the UN head at the killings in Dufar (and I don’t care)the Sudan and that part of the world. A toothless tiger in other words.  Also, countries with a poor civil rights record sits on committees and the countries BLOCK vote getting results they want.
    (an aside. BLOCK voting was very popular among all the major record companies in my day. Those music awards while perhaps deserved by a good artist/writer/musician, had a lot to do with companies making deals with each other.)

    So back to this topic, the UN has been accused of same thing. Whole countries able to avoid censure simply by making friendly deals with other countries doing the same thing. That is, violating human rights.

    Then the subject of Israel came up. Oh damn ...  Talk about the proverbial whipping boy!

    There were some 100 violations in a given period that the “rights” commission looked into and of those 100, something like 80 were accusations against or questions about Israeli breach of human rights.  But there were massacres in huge numbers in Africa that ppl knew about but the commission never brought to the table. Wish I knew the name of the program so I could dig the info out word for word.  I might try because it was an eye opener.  And the BBC is NOT btw exactly known as a supporter of Israel but they did give reps. from Israel air time to answer or refute things.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/16/2009  at  07:02 AM  

  4. The UN is crap. Keep UNESCO or whatever part feeds the pore ‘n starvin, keep the Doctors Without Borders part too. Throw the rest out, especially the aid workers who see the entire world as some sort of giant bordello.

    If the Blue Helmets were any good, they would go forth and eliminate any combat actions within line of sight from their camps. Their job is not to be a buffer force, but a war suppression unit. If we see you fighting, we kill both sides until you stop. Period. With the full force and support of the entire world. Instead they either allow or actively encourage one side to operate close to them, giving them cover. We’ve seen this before in that neck of the woods.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/16/2009  at  11:22 AM  

  5. Three cheers for the IDF, if they piss off wankey moonie they must be doing good. Loose the UN, give no foreign aid to despota and put the savings into tax cuts, and contracts on socialists, that should help the depression.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   01/16/2009  at  06:43 PM  

  6. Bah, the UN is infamous for giving comfort and aid to insurgents in their compounds.. What better way to get some rest than to go sit where you won’t get shot? Just cache the AK with Omar, and show up for a nice safe nap?
    How the hell does the UN know they have no insurgents? Have they started wearing uniforms? Do they have name tags? (Hi! I’m Omar the insurgent!)
    UN blue helmets are some of the most corrupt gang of people known to man.

    Just a thought or two,

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   01/18/2009  at  09:40 PM  

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