Funny, 30 Seconds Of John Kerry Does It For Me


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/15/2015 at 05:51 AM   
  1. I am against this cry it out baby forcing aloneness crap - as it is what starts this entire bs of sleep in children. Once people grow up and realize - on their wedding day - You are a COUPLE. And then move to the next step after child birth - You are a FAMILY - maybe this date night, think about me, and how I can ‘feel like I did, when I was ME’ crap will stop.

    But in this no responsibility world - that’s not happening much.

    I was firm with my kids - but naps during the day were non-negotiable - as they did not go to school for a full day until they were 6 - naps happened. And as for bedtime - it was 7:30 - every day but weekends. I raised my kids - that school was their job - and must be respected as such. Of course they also ate 3 meals a day, milk as their only beverage and if they didn’t eat what was put in front of them - they ate it at the next meal.

    Most of these sleep problems are people who stay up til the wee hours - don’t control their kids in those early years and then wonder why the heck the kid won’t sleep - not to mention starting them out on junk food as soon as the teeth come in.

    Just my $0.02 worth on the subject.

    Of course now - I’d be considered an abusive mother.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/15/2015  at  07:31 AM  

  2. Dyfus alert! Dyfus alert!! Trigger warning!!

    OMG you horrible horrible person.

    Pppppt. “go to bed kid” “NO! NO NONO NO!” Whack! “g’nite daddy” Kids will challenge you because they need to know you are in charge at all times. they need that security.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/15/2015  at  09:02 PM  

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