Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/30/2007 at 02:56 AM   
  1. A more accurate reading of the new Congress’s message to the troops and the Iraqi’s - Fuck You and Bush Too!

    Posted by rudebadger    United States   01/30/2007  at  07:16 AM  

  2. I just have a hard time understanding the rabid bds running around DC. The terrorists will kill these people (the lunatic left) faster than you can say ‘Islam is a religion of peace’, the islamic governmental system is strictly run by their religion (oh my!) and their restrictive laws make anything a conservative could come up with - well as fluffy at best. Yet these people continue to bow to them, kowtow to them, marginalize them, and want America to just pretend that they aren’t a threat at all.

    But where oh where are the Republican and/or conservative congresscritters? They seem to be silent on every issue of importance. What a shame. It is what has led us to this point. That and the traitorous, enemy enabling msm.

    Our only hope is that the lunatics left main screed - President Bush isn’t listening to us - continues to be true until he leaves office. We have a chance to pull this off. BTW, lefties, President Bush hasn’t ignored Iran - he has them blocked on two sides by American Troops. That’s a lot of whats kept Ahmadinejad under control. That and apparently he’s destroying Iran’s economy in his rabid attempt to get a nuke. Nothing like having a discontent populace to keep control on an insane dictator wannabe.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/30/2007  at  09:56 AM  

  3. <font size="3">I don't know if my family here at BMEWS has seen or referred-to</font> <font size="3">THIS, but it's sure worth viewing ["I'll Die Before You Wake"].  Fonda, et al are virtually CLUELESS.  The irony, of course, is that they view themselves as "enlightened", and operating on a higher intellectual level than we knuckle-draggers.</font>

    Posted by Happy_Retiree    United States   01/30/2007  at  12:22 PM  

  4. CORRECTION: Titled “If I Die Before You Wake”.  Apologies.

    Posted by Happy_Retiree    United States   01/30/2007  at  12:28 PM  

  5. I wouldn’t have built this system if not for the fact that my main Windoze XP machine went belly up last summer. Since Vista RC1 was already available from MSDN, I decided to take the plunge. I decided to go 64-bit from the beginning and the other parts were installed after a LOT of trial and error. I tried an NVidia 7600 video card ($250) first but it didn’t even come close to scoring good on the “Windows Vista Experience” scale.

    This O/S is a resource HOG! But that’s OK because “no one will ever need more than 640k of memory in a personal computer” (Bill Gates - 1982).


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   01/30/2007  at  04:18 PM  

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