From the outside, looking in


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/07/2011 at 08:02 AM   
  1. It is worrying how many people in this part of Canada still blame bush! I was talking to someone I know is smart, has done well for him self , of german descent, he was sure the tea party are nutters and just were causing trouble! I helped him understand the medias brainwashing of us all and the reality as I see it and he agreed with me (I said he was smart, to change your view with new information is very smart) Then in my local paper some asshole juorno from England ( I disown that place!!) gave the pink tory idiot running that country into the ground as a shining example of how to cut spending and raise taxes?????? maybe Norway is the correct way to go, left wing thinking is the cancer??

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   08/07/2011  at  08:47 AM  

  2. Sad that the World won’t know that the Tea Party is simply calling for some logical and sane financial dealing with our Federal Budget and that even in the closing minutes - 60% of Americans (polled) were AGAINST the raising of the debt ceiling.

    But The Won wanted it raised so the State Media went along with the WH talking points - the people be damned.

    It is NOT America, it is NOT American corporations, it is NOT American citizens who are the PROBLEM - it is 536 crapweasels in DC who are governing against the Constitution, against the Rule of Law and against the American people (and their 9 enablers on the SC).

    Once we get them out - America will rise again.

    Meanwhile - they will probably force a barter economy on the real Americans who will do what it takes to survive.

    Who is John Galt?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/08/2011  at  07:28 AM  

  3. I believe this is the beginning of the end or at least into the first round. I apologize for the cliche. A hell of a lot of people are getting tired of the way we are being mismanaged into the toilet.
    I have run an informal poll of people riding in my cab, usually with a question or a comment, and I have YET to find any of the 80% of Americans that want their taxes raised. I have seen that 80% and more do not like the way the boss lemming is leading us into a high dive that will end in disaster of some sort.
    Unfortunately, Wardmama, if we had a vote tomorrow to replace all the crapweasels in DC, I would bet 450 would be sitting back in their $5000 custom leather chairs. Call it voter apathy, call it people tired of voting the lesser of 2 evils in, but we can’t shake any of the disgusting piles of useless bile that populate the once great halls of DC. It has gone from voting for the best man to American Idol with high dollar campaigning allowed combined with a generous drop in schooling to lower the aggregate IQ of the masses and equal parts media kowtowing to their beloved fellow hippies.
    We need a leader, not someone who needs 15 cabinet members (6 he hasn’t even spoken to) and 35 ‘czars’. This isn’t management, this is a nightmare! IMHO a czar is a way to weasel jobs to special interests and gain more power. ALL czars should be fired and investigations put forth on their qualifications for their positions.

    sorry.. ranting.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   08/08/2011  at  11:48 PM  

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