From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of . . . Berkeley?


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 03/13/2008 at 04:54 AM   
  1. I’m not a conservative in any sort of way, but as a former California resident I was always of annoyed with The People’s Republic of Berkley. They’re mindset is just so elitist and arrogant. So when I heard about them protest a friggin’ Marine recruiting station I was like, “Great. Of COURSE it’s Berkley!” It’s the city that bans plastic bags and Styrofoam cups. That passes ordinances that are more for show than for tell.

    I’m not a fan of the war, but I’m not a fan of protesting every damn thing without logic or reason. You’re in America. America has a military. The military is voluntary so they need to recruit so we can have the military to protect us. Is it really that hard to understand? I just think the anger is misdirected considering the Marines weren’t ones who decided to go to war, the civilian lead government did. So if you’re going to harass people, harass the president or your congressman, don’t make us reasonable Liberals look like elitist, entitled assholes who don’t have a clue.

    Harruph, I say. Poppycock and hogwash. Harruph!

    Posted by black_snob    United States   03/13/2008  at  07:59 AM  

  2. I have a dream.

    We - the United States - tell Los Angeles County, the San Francisco Bay area (including Sacramento), New York City, Boston and Chicago they are now free and independent nations or states.  They are no longer part of the United States.

    And we continue to enjoy the United States and let them go their way.


    Posted by Archie    United States   03/13/2008  at  10:46 PM  

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