Freedom Day


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/06/2008 at 11:11 AM   
  1. Let me ask, what is a Conservative? 

    The current stereotype is of a misogynistic, bigoted, uncaring snob, who cares only for himself and the domination of the world by the United States.  If I were a “Progressive”, I’m sure I could come up with some more nasty words, but I think I’ve caught the spirit of the stereotype.

    OK, let’s look a little closer.  Isn’t a conservative really someone who believes in the basic principles of our country and our culture?  Someone who reveres the ideas put forth in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?  How about someone who believes in the fundamental goodness and strength of his country?  Someone who believes in helping those who need help, but still understands the difference between a hand up and a handout?  Then again, wouldn’t a Conservative care about the difference between right and wrong?  I could go on a lot longer, but again, I think I’ve caught the spirit.

    These are all basic principles of humanity and justice.  If this is what the Conservatives believe in, what do their great critics, the “Progressives” believe in?  Racial quotas are the first thing that comes to my mind.  Hmmmmmmmm, isn’t that a basically racist concept in it’s own right?  How about the way “liberals” demean our basic culture as a negative abomination?  They then have created a 3 level class structure, giving us those on welfare (keeping those nasty, ignorant dark skinned people in their ghettos where they can drink malt liquor and watch T.V.), those who vote as they are told to and those who wield power and tell others what to think - Gore and Soros immediately come to mind.  I think it’s the “liberals” hypocritical approach to race relations that currently bothers me more thank anything, but I’m sure the BMEWS readers can add a lot more in other areas. 

    Overall, I find it almost amusing that the “liberals” seem to be creating Marx’s class warfare while claiming to create an egalitarian society.  The “liberal” agenda seems more suited to breaking down the strength of our country by undermining our Country’s basic principles, then it is suited to building on the strength we have inherited from the generations before us. 

    A conservative builds upon the foundation of our culture and out principles, what do liberals build on?

    It sure looks different when you look at it that way, doesn’t it?  Liberal and conservative in the context of American politics, really are misnamed and their stereotypes do not match the reality that we face.

    I’m very short on sleep just now, I hope I haven’t rambled incoherently.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   12/07/2008  at  09:32 AM  

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