FRANCE WILL BAN THE BURKA.  An insult to fashion is an insult to France.  Vive la France!


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/08/2010 at 11:35 AM   
  1. Oh come on now Peiper,Thats not a woman,Thats Andrew Sullivan in a dress and you know it.He does accesorize nicely though.
    Oh OCM, I agree with your premise but you wouldnt allow who/whatever that is on a commercial flight I hope.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/08/2010  at  08:18 PM  

  2. Oh, An off topic but fun new blurb to nominate the 1st candidate for BMOTY ( yes thats Barking Moonbat of the Year).Head over to the comments at And check out the K person try to deny the Unemployment rate fiasco as better than it would be without the Drug Fix,Er I mean Stimulus package, That was passed this last year.I think this person has an intravenous koolaide tube in their arm.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/08/2010  at  08:25 PM  

  3. she sould be able to wear what ever
    religious ‘outfit’ she wants---or stop priests, nuns, etc. from wearing their
    ‘habits’ in public.

    NO because they’re different. I have never seen a nun with her face covered.
    A nun’s habit is a far cry from the enforced (but not I stress by the Koran) the covering of women head to toe.  That is a totally alien culture anyway and doesn’t fit in at all. Good for France and I hope they can enforce this wholly dark age imposed only by men, mode of dress.
    And anyway, how’d one ID one of these? Drivers Lic. Right.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/09/2010  at  04:29 AM  

  4. Never argue with Obi Wan Peiper. Heres the short version of burka history:
    “History and Islamic culture”

    This type of dress has its origins with desert times long before Islam arrived. It had two functions. Firstly as a sand mask in windy conditions. This would be worn by men and women and is still common today. For women only the masking of the face and body was used when one group was being raided by another. These raids often involved the taking of women of child bearing age. With all women hidden behind a veil the chances of being taken were substantially reduced as the women of child bearing age could not be quickly distinguished from the very young and the old in the turmoil of fighting.[citation needed]
    Many Muslims believe that the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an, and the collected traditions of the life of Muhammed, or hadith, require both men and women to dress and behave modestly in public. However, this requirement, called hijab, has been interpreted in many different ways by Islamic scholars (ulema) and Muslim communities (see Women and Islam); the burqa is not specifically mentioned in the Quran.[2]
    Glad i could help.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/09/2010  at  06:09 AM  

  5. Actually all religious texts do want their adherents to dress modestly - however, as pointed out by Peiper - not any of them (that I know) exact a full facial cover of only 1 gender. That is the rub - why is it (and has any of the adherents to the faith ever answered) only women so confined, so defined? And before you go into the blah, blah, blah - they (women) are fine with it - go read Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia (1993) - No, not all women are fine with this way of life.

    I can not fathom how any country (so called free and civilized) does not see how repressive this is, how it can by used (oh, say to disguise the age (or lack thereof) of a woman/girl) and most importantly by a cult masquerading as a religion - to allow the lying, terroristic men to use it as a form of escape (which I do believe has been done at least once).

    And finally I have to wonder exactly why the human rights groups and of course the feminazis are not up in arms about this - because the hrgs only seem to believe that the most free country in the World is the only one that does any wrong and the feminazis have indeed become a one trick pony (my apologies to ponies all over the world for the insult).

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/09/2010  at  07:24 AM  

  6. Well well well OCM...I see you decided to pop up over here! Welcome back!!

    Posted by Macker    United States   01/09/2010  at  08:33 AM  

  7. The burka is a political tool of mussie exteemists, good on the French, actually all mussies are terrorists when called on by their faith. They lie and say the faith is based on the old testament but I think that is where the 10 commandments come from and I think is says “thy shalt not kill” the koran says in nearly every chapter “kill infadels” anyone see a slight naunce between the two?
    I spoke to a couple who bought the local petrol station in Cornwall, they were in their 50s, went south when India was partitioned, the horror stories they saw when the non mussies started to go south and the mussies were coming north, and these were the family next door the kids went to school with and played together last week then murder and worse, it is an evil cult on the same human level as Charles Manson, except he was honest about his intentions.
    The only cause for islam is to kill or cure all infadels, except maybe the Jews who cannot be cured, ironicaly that is where they are pushing us to treat them, we will win.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   01/09/2010  at  02:04 PM  

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