Fitna finds a home in the USA


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/29/2008 at 08:57 PM   
  1. I downloaded it from LiveLeak yesterday morning before work, and before they pulled it. Somehow, I knew it wouldn’t be there long, despite Islam being a ‘peaceful’ religion and all…

    It’s 17 minutes, 38Mb. Shows some 9/11 footage I had never seen before.

    The question is…

    Should I post it on BMEWS? angry

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/29/2008  at  10:08 PM  

  2. Well, it’s up at Wikileaks, in both the Dutch and English subtitled version. I watched it early this morning.

    Posted by serr8d    United States   03/29/2008  at  10:51 PM  

  3. I watched it day before yesterday in the wee hours, before LiveLeak pulled it. It made me want to post an open letter to Bin Laden, the President of Iran, etc. pointing out to them that Wilders had done nothing except repeat and put in context verses of the Quran and the things that they themselves had insisted the world think about Islam. And that therefore they themselves had disgraced Allah, Islam, their countrymen and themselves, and should call upon all the faithful to seek them out, behead them, bomb them, or burn them. Not out of anger, you understand, but merely in obedience to the doctrine they themselves had insisted be followed.
    Kurt Westergaard may have drawn the cartoon.... but it was not he who put the bomb in Muhammad’s turban.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   03/30/2008  at  03:25 AM  

  4. Unfortunately I haven’t seen the movie yet and I’m unlikely to see it any time soon.  I’m “blessed” with a telephone modem that thinks 50 Kbps is fast.  However, I have learned a bit of how the Islamist world views such things.

    First: They will not ever admit or even consider that anything in the Koran could be wrong.  They will also extend this to anything they think is inspired by the Koran.  They will never accept any idea that falls outside their Islamist world view.

    Second: They fervently believe that the only way to have their version of reality “respected” is to terrorize or kill anyone who disagrees with them or doesn’t follow their teachings.  Just to make it interesting, find an Armenian and get him or her talking about life with Moslems.  Christian Syrians and other varieties of Christian Arabs are also pretty interesting sources of information.  If anyone thinks I have some strongly negative opinions about Islamists, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  Go to the first hand accounts from Christian Arabs.

    Third: It is unlikely that any significant percentage of the Islamist protesters have seen any part of the film.  They will blindly follow the instructions of their local Imam without question.  Facts are of little interest to them.

    Fourth: Most, if not all of the Imams will never see the film either.  All they have to know is that someone thinks the film is critical of Islam and that’s good enough for them.

    Fifth: Islamists believe that any non Moslem criticizing Islam is not showing Islam proper respect.  Therefore, see items One and Two.  God help any non Moslem actually criticizing Islam.

    Overall, these items are a pretty nasty mix.  When it comes to the movie, don’t bother considering that it is made of quotes from the Koran, sermons from Islamist leaders and similar things.  If any of the Islamist leaders don’t think it shows them proper respect (as in submit to them) or in any way criticizes Islam, they will go ballistic and threaten terror to anyone associated with the movie.  Newspapers, magazines, websites, TV and radio stations have all knuckled under to this.  They’re scared.  Any reporter, editor or media owner running a piece critical of the Islamists in any way, knows he is literally taking his life in his hands.  The Second item I’ve listed really does work very well.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/30/2008  at  03:33 AM  

  5. Oh, something I forgot to mention in connection with Fitna: Yes, between Arabian Dance and the Peer Gynt Suite, it has in the background some of the most beautiful music ever created by the hand of man.

    Props to Herr Wilder for that, regardless of anything else.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   03/30/2008  at  03:42 AM  

  6. buy more can’t teach these 7th century radical retards, gun control is one shot-one kill!! semper fi!
    i’m with drew on his watch, headlines in the next few years will let us know that europe has gone under and it ain’t gonna’ happen here in the u.s.! although we will have to shoot a few of our appeasing politicians also… ®

    Posted by Rancino    United States   03/30/2008  at  08:03 AM  

  7. I got it from youtube, and saved it to MY computer. I sent links to everyone in my address book. And you’re right. We’ve spent generations trying to grow out of the barbarism that is pisslam. I don’t care what G/god/ess/es you care to worship, so long as you do not try to force me to agree. If I like what you’ve got, I’ll try it. If not, leave me be. And it harm none, do as you will. But should it be based on control and damage to others to perform, expect me to stop you if I can.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/30/2008  at  08:10 AM  

  8. Fitna illustrates how easily the Koran was (and still is) used to influence, to a pathetic degree, the weak and unenlightened minds of the peasant-class of peoples it was written to control. Islam is the last remaining v. 1.0 religion.

    Reform is the key to neutralizing the ancient influences (you now, the stonings, the beheadings, the child rapages, the always-pleasant reactions believers have to anyone questioning Brother Mohammed’s true intentions, his bona fides or especially his lucidity and compos mentis).

    We on the outside of Islam have to keep the pressure up to force any meaningful reform. Most of Europe, tolerant to the point of suicidal, will not pressure reform, so they will be overriden and absorbed. Any nation who is tolerant to barbarism will succumb; Islam, if true to the teachings of the Koran, is the most barbaric major religion left on the planet.

    Posted by serr8d    United States   03/30/2008  at  09:20 AM  

  9. I wrestled with my beliefs all night after watching just part of Fitna - and came to the conclusion this vile, violent, intolerent and ignorant scourge on Earth that calls itself a ‘religion’ needs to be stopped now.

    Sad to say - I don’t see many politicians in the World today that have the guts, values, and courage to do. Thus it will end up being Us vs Them and those of us who know how to shoot straight - will end up defending ourselves against the thugs masquerading as a ‘religion’.

    And it’s a shame - if We had just kept fighting OIF like we did in the first weeks - we probably would have set them on their ears years ago.

    What was it - 62,000,000 dead worldwide due to WWII - I have a feeling WWIII will be much, much worse. This time it isn’t a specific group being targeted for destruction - it is everyone not them. And still so many in the World buy into appeasing these evil, vile thugs, punks and sub human vermin.

    From Michelle Malkin’s website - the only Arabic you need to learn, learn it well and use it often:

    Lan astaslem: Arabic for “I will not submit/surrender”

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/30/2008  at  02:48 PM  

  10. wardmama4, brilliant. I posted the link from Pat Dollard over at my site.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/30/2008  at  03:55 PM  

  11. I hates to say this, but our chances against the forces of Islam are low…
    Why? You may ask. Am I a defeatist? Am I a Left-winged commie bastard who slid in here under cover of intelligence fed to me by my Jihadist controller?
    I am a realist, and I have overwhelming evidence of my statement, and if you give me a moment, I will show how this fits in the thread.

    First, Look at the children on the Fitna video. They are carrying guns at 4 or 5 years old, and receiving (quasi) military training. Look at 95% of American children nowadays. They know guns from TV and video games, but put the real thing in their hands, and they shoot them like Gangstas, holding them sideways, and emptying the clips as fast as they can, as if they are afraid to aim. No discipline, and they think they can hit an ammo point to reload.

    They have no real beliefs or faith in anything, their Latte lapping gun shunning, anti-American liberal mommies and daddies teach them that America is baaaad, and we have to tolerate and love every deviant, religion, and person because they are “special” and should be encouraged in their pursuits, and all problems root from 2000 years of Christian Anglo-Saxon males who don’t have any tolerance.

    Second is the American Govt. They are too busy trying to spend money and run for new offices to pay attention to what is happening in this world. When they do turn an eye that way, they pull a Pelosi and try to make deals with the scum sucking, camel humping, dog eating pedophiles.  Giving them our tax dollars to buy more weapons, or making deals that legitimize or empower them.

    I would go to the third, but the big vein in my forhead is popping out. I think I will stop and raid the Ice cream cooler.

    $.03 worth today!

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   03/31/2008  at  05:51 PM  

  12. I found this on Yahoo/Reuters:

    AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch foreign minister met ambassadors from Muslim countries on Monday to try to cool tempers over a film by a Dutch lawmaker critical of the Koran and ask for protection for Dutch citizens and property.

    Here’s a link to the whole article:  Dutch minister seeks to calm Muslim anger at film

    The Netherlands, a sovereign state and member of the European Union is begging for protection?  They’ve surrendered.  They may as well butter up and bend over.  I suppose it’s possible that Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen is simply playing a diplomatic game of chess to difuse the situation, but I’m still not comfortable with the apparent capitulation.  These two items help somewhat.  You decide if they’re enough. 

    “I am pleased with the muted reactions that we have received so far from the Muslim world,” Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen said in a statement. “But the rhetoric in some countries shows that we need to remain alert.”

    “We are aware of the concerns and feelings in the international Muslim community about this film. But injured feelings should never be an excuse for aggression and threats,” he said. “Let us keep a cool head and warm relations.”

    Right now the idea of an Islamist hunting license is a joke.  Someday, it might not be.  Even with the degradation we’ve suffered, I cannot imagine Americans suffering such treatment without resistance.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/31/2008  at  07:37 PM  

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