Fine. Greens, Progs, and other Leftists: Commies At Heart


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/24/2014 at 09:23 PM   
  1. spent most of the time in a wheelchair. Yet the complicit media hid this fact from the public not only during his first election, but from the daily news for more than a decade.

    That’s true but .... you have to look at the times. Only a bit removed from the 19th century, in those far away days, he would not have been elected dog catcher if confined to braces and a wheel chair. The public was far less forgiving, political correctness had not reared it’s ugly head, and handicapped folks in general were not as visable as they are these days. And things were not in place to make things any easier for them.
    Unless you were president of course.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/25/2014  at  05:18 AM  

  2. btw ....
    have you ever noticed how much this crowd of idiots resemble one another?
    they look exactly as I would imagine. Schmucks all!

    Heard on radio Obama coming closer to EU on climate change

    Store in town I just discovered that is still selling the banned but better light bulbs.
    Not expensive either.  They apparently saw the future demand and bought in very large numbers, as the law said a store could sell what stock they had on hand when the idiot socialist ban went into effect.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/25/2014  at  05:25 AM  

  3. Those idiots all remind me of the clowns I saw back at all those 60s and 70s rallies for Whatever the “Bitch of the day” was. Always there, always bitchin, but never doing shit.
    Now most of them are in public service as members of the great leviathan of bureaucracy.
    Collecting a check just to fuck with us on the outside who actually make the country function.
    crying 2  gun

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/25/2014  at  12:44 PM  

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