Final Curtain Call


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/01/2006 at 08:04 AM   
  1. Maybe poor Scooter Libby can sue the Wilsons.  Would serve them right.  Yannow, Wilson even looks like a prototypical liberal scumbag.

    Posted by dick    United States   09/01/2006  at  10:03 AM  

  2. Nooooooo, EVERYBODY knows that ROVE hatched this PLOT to be a DISTRACTION from the horrible QUAGMIRE in Iran, I mean Iraq. (Freudian slip there!)

    This very story, should I say LIE! is yet another DISTRACTION by the eeeevvvviiiiillll Chimpy McBushitlerburton Crime Family and its CRONIES! ROVE is pure eeevvvviiiillll! And he is not even a Sunday joint! Satan sits in the White House, tho of course I do not believe in god or satan, but still!

    Where is my bibby! This makes me depressed. No frog march. Beam me up, Scotty!

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   09/01/2006  at  10:18 AM  

  3. Rickvid, you’re having entirely WAY too much fun imitating Leftists suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS).

    The sad part is that you can find comments like all over DailyKOS and Democratic Underwear. And they believe it!


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   09/01/2006  at  10:25 AM  

  4. Snore? Yawn? BMEWS readers were able to figure out that this was pure shit several YEARS ago ... and a little part of the MSM is finally waking up to it now? Meanwhile, even Fox News continues to refer to this woman as a covert agent. Makes me run screaming from the room.

    Skipper, maybe you need a new smiley, one with dark glasses and a white cane to represent willfull blindness?

    The only thing interesting or revealing about this latest go-round that now includes Armitage is that is shows the amazing level of misalignment/internal dissent/disloyalty/sabotage within the Bush White House, State Department, and CIA that was lead by Colin Blow and Tenet. Note to next president: don’t clean house with a feather duster. Use dynamite and pick axes.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/01/2006  at  10:39 AM  

  5. Drew you make a valid point which if taken is going to destroy American government and we will only have liberals/left/dems to thank for it. If a new President has to clear out any and all appointees, questionable bureaucrats, etc - just to be able to function for 4 to 8 years - we are no longer a democratic Republic - we are being forced to become a totalitarian state. It will be only one party in control of everything. With the 109th Congress having done almost nothing because of all the dems ‘investigations’(to officially ‘cover up’their involvment), stonewalling, votes (ad nauseum) on Iraq etc - it is no longer anything near bi-partisan. And they can screed on and on that the Republicans are at fault - but now it is being shown that the lunatic left itself is the one doing the damage. You know maybe these morons are doing this all on purpose to be able to screed - See we told you, see what happened, Iran went neuclear, America gov became unfunctional and social programs fell apart and it’s all the Republicans fault. Thank God the internet (and some sane people within the msm) are putting out the truth and reality.

    And kudos to the WaPost for at least doing the story (even if it is on A20) bet none of the others went this far to admit that Wilson (haven’t I been saying he was the one at fault all along)was the one who made this mess what it became.

    No Skipper the ones who are really hurt are the Americans who actually believed this garbage - and will because the lunatic left will continue to beat this wrong dead horse until the Dems win again - which means forever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/01/2006  at  12:07 PM  

  6. Well said, Wardmama, but look what happened when he didn’t. Yes, there has to be a balance point or some way of judging whether a government worker adheres more to party loyalty or current policy. As for appointees? By their very nature and description they should all go, from borough Dog Washer right up to the top Federal positions. Better yet, how about eliminating appointees entirely? Yeah right, like we could abandon political patronage. Nor does every single government worker have to march in mindless lock step ... but the crew that W found aboard was about the worst in my memory. Don’t forget that when they left, the Clinton gang trashed the White House as a prank. Abhorently disprespectful (not just to the GOP but to our national symbols) as that was, that was merely the “fun” side of their attitude.

    I agree that quite a few in gov are working as hard as possible to make things go wrong, just so they can play gotcha to get their own team back in power. People like that who put party over nation do not belong in any kind of government I want to live under. Get out the horsewhips!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/01/2006  at  12:31 PM  

  7. This whole matter has always sounded like a clusterf*ck to me, so I haven’t really cared to follow up on it.  My question is this.  Plame was supposed to be a secret CIA operative in what country?  Any place but Russia or an eastern European nation, and she kinda’ sticks out.  Also, she doesn’t look like the type who is accustomed to “blending in” but rather “standing out”. 

    I don’t know...just my take on it.

    Posted by shinjinrui    United States   09/01/2006  at  02:16 PM  

  8. Shinjinirui that is because Plame wasn’t covert, she knows it, her husband knows it as does everyone else - they just keep that ‘outing’ a CIA agent crap alive to have a reason for all the crap that has gone on just to have one more (lie) reason to label Bush and his administration as evil, secretive, terrorists, wrong, bad, and so on and so on. Poor Libby and Delay, charged with laws that they never broke - just to assauge someone’s petty BDS hatefest. The Dems truly believe that Americans are as stupid as they and Michael Moore claim We are. It also explains why they no longer are in power - Americans realize how dangerous the world is and aren’t interested in a bunch of lying backstabbing whinners who have done nothing and might actually have caused this situation to be in power again.

    Drew - no I am beginning to suspect that someone somewhere is seeing how truly visionary the policies of George Bush is and it scares the heck out of them (probably Osama or someone in al-jezeera). It has never been about Iraq and that is why such flack is raised about it (and why the Republicans let it continue) - it is about Iran. Do the lunatic left actually think that someone as educated and as savy as SoS Rice does not think ahead and see a bigger picture? These dems and academics who are so caught up in their socialist views of trashing free enterprize and an abortion in every home - can’t see the real world if it slapped them upside the face. They don’t want to, they hate themselves for being weak, cowardly, intolerent and sucking up the filthy lucre (which I don’t see them giving away at any great amounts) while screeding on about an administration which is trying to stop the World from going to Hell and be taken over by lunatic terrorists who want to drag everyone kicking and screaming into the 3rd century. It is just such a shame that President Bush can not run again - then I think we’d actually have a real chance to beat this islamicfacist crap.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/03/2006  at  11:24 AM  

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