farewell to freedom part two and btw …. F*** the NBA!


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/30/2014 at 09:40 AM   
  1. I read an article monday that showed the Bylaws the NBA used to come up with the penalty and banishment and its all legit. As an owner was screwed by his own words,and frankly he’s a jerk so KARMA.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   04/30/2014  at  11:19 AM  

  2. The State Run Media left out a couple of things - 1) Stirling has said these pc naughties before (umm, why now this pc public ‘execution’) 2) the original ‘media’ outlet for this pc bs - was TMZ and 3) Ms Mistress (he is still legally married) - is under investigation for Embezzlement of 1.8 million. It was his wife who sued the Mistress for fraud and Ms Mistress promised to ‘get even with them’.

    Also found out - Ms. Deen’s (in her pc public ‘execution’ bs) THE deposition was not in the faux (it was dismissed after the public hoohaw) lawsuit - it was from 30 years ago. That was the crux of THE deposition in Ms Deen’s pc public ‘execution’ - 30 years ago, she had to answer Yes to ‘have you ever used the n word’ - and related that in telling her husband (privacy of her own home) of the bank robbery, she called the robber the n-word.

    Please rent the DVD Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) - as to the real danger of listening to everyone in their own homes.  This is where we are headed when what goes on in our own homes - becomes public fodder.

    None of us is immune - we all say and do stupid crap in our homes. This is terrible territory that the State Run Media (in Ms Deen’s case who - violated the law - to get to that sealed deposition into public view? And why does no one in America care?)

    If we don’t stand up for Ms Deen and Mr Stirling - who is going to stand up for us?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/30/2014  at  12:18 PM  

  3. And now I understand that it’s Missy’s buddy Magic Johnson that wants to buy the team. Guess he’s looking to get it at a fire sale price.

    Sterling shouldn’t sell. Not for less than 3/4 billion.

    It’s time to make a stand against the never ending, always increasing race hustlers.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/30/2014  at  02:22 PM  

  4. And it seems she was banging Magic and he basically told her to be discrete, I read he was a hot shot lawyer I hope he still is! this race bullshit has gone way too far!

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   04/30/2014  at  07:25 PM  

  5. Isn’t Stirling the kind of guy the Left loves? Married with a Mistress 60 years his junior, rich beyond the wildest dream of pathetic people like me, a slumlord, a lawyer, etc? Why oh why go after him?

    Because someone wants him out of the way - that’s why.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/01/2014  at  08:46 AM  

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