eye candy


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/18/2011 at 02:26 PM   
  1. Unless the nicely breasted model is hiding behind a well washed decapitation that she’s holding, pic “hot2” has to be the worst photochop ever. I mean, I know there are bobble heads out there, but anyone that bad would break their neck if they nodded ‘yes’.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/18/2011  at  09:40 PM  

  2. Drew, which one are you referring to?

    Holding? Holding what?  Something got by me I guess. Can’t figure out which one is hot2.
    Can’t be the second photo. The one after Langtree? Long dark hair?

    OK, I give up. Which one?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/19/2011  at  05:39 AM  

  3. Oh good heavens. Holding a head - a decapitation. The face and the hand are way too big for the rest of the picture. The blond on the blue couch. The 2nd one below the fold, the one with the file name you named “hot2.jpg”, the one with the topless model holding “her” head in her hand. Am I the only one who noticed that the head is about twice the size it ought to be? Or is her neck 2 feet long and the head is that much closer to the camera?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/19/2011  at  08:13 AM  

  4. Oh damnation. Below the fold. I thought you were referring to the others above.

    I have to tell you honestly ... when I picked the one you’re talking about, I had some reservation but couldn’t think off hand what the problem was.  I thought she was cute but it never occurred to me to notice the things you mentioned. Now that I look at it again, I think I understand. At first (even second) glance I didn’t see what you do. Looking again and more then once cos I really did miss it first time around, while not certain what I see about the hands, I believe I see re. the head.  Like it’s been placed on another pix.
    But I kinda doubt I’d have picked up on that unless someone pointed it out.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/19/2011  at  09:11 AM  

  5. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong, but the picture looked really strange to me. I am not much of a photographer but I do know that certain camera angles can mess with perspective.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/19/2011  at  10:00 AM  

  6. Hey peiper! I like that 1891 eye-candy.

    Erotic without being gross or ‘nasty’ as my wife would say. In fact, my wife wouldn’t mind a nice print of her hanging over the fireplace. Currently we’ve an old Mucha print hanging there. Bad enough. Scandalizes the Church missionaries when they visit.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   04/19/2011  at  01:49 PM  

  7. Hi Chris ... Yeah. I kind of favor that too.  She was famous in her day and it’s interesting that she’s still known by many, and not just because of her affair with the then King of England.  There’s a Langtree Tea/coffee and pastery cafe only minutes from here. Sadly, not very good pasteries imho. But the area and buildings where she and the King met are still there and still in use as private homes.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/20/2011  at  07:20 AM  

  8. That’s Lilly Langtree? Nice.

    Who was it? Prince Edward? Don’t think he was King yet. And I’m sure Queen Vicky would have disapproved.

    Did Lilly pose for any of Mucha’s art?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   04/20/2011  at  07:50 AM  

  9. Edward was rather self indulgent and had an affair with her as prince but I’m certain it continued even into his marriage. She wasn’t his only mistress of course. Back in those days it was generally easier to keep some secrets. No hidden cameras or recording devices or paparazzi.  And tho he was naughty there was a certain amount of decorum and respect for his position.  Imagine that nowadays. Can’t.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/20/2011  at  11:31 AM  

  10. peiper, have you ever read some of the ‘historical fiction’ put out by George MacDonald Fraser? Sir Harry Flashman told me about Lilly and Edward.

    Historical fiction does indeed teach history. Sir Harry Flashman knew about the Prince’s dalliance. And Sir Harry ‘dallied’ with her himself. She apparently was ‘free’ with her affections? I like that in a woman.

    Of course, Sir Harry Flashman is a fictional character.

    Don’t ask me. I can peruse my library, but I don’t remember which Flashman novel it was.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   04/20/2011  at  02:23 PM  

  11. Chris .. yeah. Read the entire series of Flashman.  My favorite fictional character.
    The best and funniest book in that series tho, was the one where he describes a cavalry charge in full gallop, while one of the officers had a very bad case of hemorrhoids. Gosh that was funny. That was the book about the Charge of The Light Brigade if I recall.

    That old and worn expression about nobody is irreplaceable is so wrong when I think of MacDonald Fraser. And he’s one of very many.

    I picked up a used book recently with a nautical hero and the cover read At Last, a seagoing Flashman.” Not even close.  Expecting the same kind of genius exhibited by Fraser I got it, but was so disappointed I couldn’t finish it.

    There’s only one Flashman.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/22/2011  at  05:33 AM  

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