Explicit admission


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/21/2011 at 02:17 PM   
  1. And while NJ comes over to the RIGHT side - OH quietly passed their ‘union busting’ bill through both houses and IN & TN and MI also put forth bills (which since there has been dead silence from the msm, must have, like OH gone forward with nary a chant heard) to make the unions a little more accountable to the very people who are ponying up the money for their lavish retirements/healthcare.

    You know - I’m not so sure that we are on the edge of the cliff - like usual Americans have stood up and said, not NO but HELL NO.

    And a bit of rational action is coming around - again do not forget Alabama passed an AZ anti-illegal immigration law (which in reality is exactly the Immigration Law on the Federal books).

    We just might survive the stupidity that is The Won’s (p)residency.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/22/2011  at  11:12 AM  

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