“Everyone knows coyotes have broadband, right? Acme® ISP” (Drew)


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/21/2009 at 02:42 AM   
  1. Obullshit is a conservative by EU standards? Holee shiite. What the !#$%^ kind of leftists do you guys have running things over there then?

    Granted, in reality a fine line, often blurry, divides the commies from the fascists from the socialists from the national socialists. The guy is a thug, trying to set himself up as a tyrant at the head of universal nanny state. You can give that any damn label you want, except Conservative.

    And if ONE SINGLE elected Republican agrees with O’s statement about that, and says so out loud ... unelect him. Pronto.

    As far as I’m concerned Obama is an over the horizon leftist. Yes, Hillary, Reid, and Pelosi are just as bad if not worse, but so what? Get them ALL the hell out of office.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/21/2009  at  06:47 PM  

  2. PS I will see just how unfairly I have been taken advantage of tomorrow. All the windows are done now, and all that remains is cleaning the house lamps and some gutter cleaning.

    Will there be a nice tip involved? Tune in tomorrow.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/21/2009  at  06:49 PM  

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