europe in crisis over migrants as more and more invaders arrive


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/23/2016 at 11:44 AM   
  1. I was going to run the Olympic story myself, but you beat me to it. Good. You see what it means, right? They’ve just screwed over every woman in every sport out there, aside from the graceful events. But track and field, power lifting, fencing? Bye bye. All any guy needs to do is have a spray of Enjoli and declare he’s female for that day.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/23/2016  at  06:40 PM  

  2. So, if a guy like Arnold Schwartznegger wants to compete but knows it will be difficult to win in his sport, he only has to claim he is a woman trapped in a man’s body, put on a bikini, and he not only cleans up in every olympic medal, but sets all new records in the record book.  How long before EVERY SINGLE guy does this, until every ladies sport has nothing but men in dresses competing in them. 

    And as for christian pastors growing beards...if a beard is all that counts to a muslim, then he is a fanatic.  And if he is a fanatic, he will NOT convert nor listen to any other religious leader other than a muslim imam....

    My god, it’s like the world is led by morons...voted into power by morons.  I can see that anyone with common sense is now a minority, and it is no longer common.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   01/23/2016  at  09:10 PM  

  3. I’m Sorry but I’m still laughing at the absurdity of all this shit.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/24/2016  at  07:17 AM  

  4. It surely is absurd, and they, the decision makers , are all moronic. The politicians most ovem, are morons, and so is much of the public who support the rights industry and labour party. Which is not to say that the cons are are all rocket scientists either.

    Riot in Calais and photos in this morning’s paper, show news team under assault by the vermin. They went after the photographer first, then turned their attention to the female reporter.  Don’t know what if anything after that. There were also some white “ activists” present.?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/24/2016  at  01:46 PM  

  5. I can remember when - the East Germans were under suspicion and investigation that their ‘women’ weren’t women. Funny how things change - all because a former olympian now claims to be a woman. Sad, truly a sick sad world

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/25/2016  at  11:31 AM  

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