EU want to break up Google


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/17/2014 at 10:12 PM   
  1. Frankly, I see Google more as an intrusive branch of government than anything else these days.  I like the convenience of their search engine, but I’m really getting tired of the data files they (and too many others) are keeping.

    I like the idea of the right to be forgotten.  I also like results that aren’t predetermined because someone is trying to play on my interests.  It can make for a very narrow view of things.

    Commercial intrusion is bad enough.  Having a government body become part of that intrusion in any way is worse.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   12/18/2014  at  12:33 AM  

  2. Google has the right to favor search results that promote its own services. Don’t like Google.

    If you don’t like Google, don’t use it. I don’t. There’s Bing (Microsoft), Duck Duck Go, Yahoo is still around. Any number of other search engines. Duck Duck Go is my default one. They don’t keep records on you and there’s only one ad/page.

    Google does not have a monopoly. Here we go again. It’s like the US v. Microsoft in the 90s. Microsoft didn’t have a monopoly. I read all about it on my Apple computer.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   12/18/2014  at  01:30 AM  

  3. Truth to tell, there are so many things that frustrate me about Google and even their email, if you let me count the ways I’d be here all night. That said, I do use search and do have an email account. But they are maddening. I want nothing to do with that Google plus crap, but somehow I seem to be a member. Don’t use it but it keeps popping up letting me know what various ppl I haven’t a clue about, are up to.
    But I still hate the idea of a government body and especially the ever intrusive EU, getting into the act of even suggesting that an American company should be broken up.

    And I did not approve the pasting that our own govt. took against BP. And the misinformation brayed every night on TV, or the monies extorted, and that’s exactly what it was, from BP. Extortion.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/18/2014  at  11:15 AM  

  4. I’m with Dr. Jeff, but like you I also despise the control freaks in charge of the EU. Pity they couldn’t both bugger off and leave us alone.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   12/18/2014  at  01:38 PM  

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