EU pushes to stop US from using European cheese names like … Parmesan.  And Feta.screw the EU


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/16/2014 at 03:07 PM   
  1. Just think if we had settled with Hitler there would be NO communism, China would have stayed white and the UK would have not had to pay back the USA for 50 years, and the EU would never have existed (well ruled by the master race maybe!) And Putin would not have the bother of kisking its sad ass out of his patch (for that is what is happening the EU stuck its nose in and stirred up a hornets nest! the EU take on Russia?????)

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   03/16/2014  at  05:17 PM  

  2. Lots of people think I’m not quite middle of the road.  OK fine, but I’ll still swear that the WORLD is getting to be a really odd place where Cloward/Piven has become a way of life.  The truth is that I don’t think I’m off the middle of the road, I think the road took a detour.

    I’m old enough to be on Social Security.  Ever since I was a little kid, I took those names to describe styles of cheese with the name being the region the cheese came from originally.

    If someone in Parma, Italy wants to call their cheese the Original, that’s cool.  They started it, they’ve got the right to claim to be the one and only original.

    Since when has one country ever made rules for another country?  Countries may make agreements for mutual benefit, but when one country 1 makes rules for country 2, country 2 is called vanquished.


    This article from The Washington Post is in the same, but much more serious vein.  If I understand it correctly, the U.S. has designed, built, maintained and regulated the internet since it’s beginning as a military research project.  Walking away, handing complete control over the U.N. and assorted NGOs, cannot be good, no matter what b.s. the NSA did.

    US to Relingquish Remaining Control

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/16/2014  at  07:10 PM  

  3. I’ll agree to it as long as the EU promises to execute any European who says “Elvis”.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   03/17/2014  at  09:22 AM  

  4. Wait a minute - I thought that the goal was to make the World a oneglowball holding hands and singing kumbayah bunch of people - with all of us sharing all the wonders of the World.

    And now - we can’t make cheese by the exact same process and use the name - because some busybody pc police person in the EU says it’s wrong.

    Bite me - Liberals are truly insane - they want it both ways, every way and their way (only) all the time.

    And that is fr*ggin impossible.

    And yes - giving over ‘our’ Internet to some glowball control entity(s) - is so very wrong. And dangerous.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/18/2014  at  07:53 AM  

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