EU having problems getting … bigger


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/07/2012 at 03:46 PM   
  1. Bob’s your uncle. Clever use of that term. Oh you kid. lol

    Very good Drew and I somehow entirely missed this one. Heard nothing about it nor did I read anything about it. You put the case well and it’s what ppl here live with daily. And it is not getting any better.

    Posted by peiper    United States   03/08/2012  at  06:32 AM  

  2. What has the world come to?  It seems that you can not portray ANYTHING...without someone being offended or yelling racist.  There is a bit of truth to stereotypes...accept it.  If we refer to an african as BLACK...we’re racist?  If we say an asian is that racist?  Then what about WHITE?  We use these words because they best describe the skin color as close as possible...but that is wrong? 

    And if we assume that asians are badasses in karate or that bad.  I mean I would love to have people assume I could kick ass big time.  Or what about black...if I assume they have a huge that racist?  How many black men want this stereotype removed?  You can’t take the good without the bad.  We make assumptions about people based on how they look because statistically speaking, the chances of it being true are way better than assuming a white guy can expertly play basketball...which by the way, is NOT racist how?  (see White men can’t Jump).  The simple and plain fact is that many people base their impression on verifiable statistics, history and genetics.  What makes us great is that we, as a normal educated and thinking people, will change our impressions as we meet someone and learn more about them.  To deny what we have seen our whole life would be foolish.  I would love to see one of these PC idiots walk down the ghetto at night by a bunch of black guys with gold teeth, pants on the ground, doo rags, etc. and expect them to all be chior boys and think nothing will happen.  This type of PC thinking will get you dead. 

    We all judge people by how they look.  Skin color does add to the ensamble, but if I see a black guy that looks like a hoodlum, I will make assumption, with his skin color being only part of my impression.  This person chose to look like this and I am the one to be blamed for thinking a certain way.  I would probably form a similar impression is the same outfit was on a white guy or an asian, but I would still be wrong. 

    Also, what about all of the non-white people (think rappers or comedians) that can trash the white culture and it’s okay because of the years of oppression that their ancestors went through.  They somehow earned the right to act in a manner that I am to be excoriated for?  WTF? 

    If a black guy can make fun of whitey (Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, every other black comedian) then it should be fair game for whitey to do the same.  Look at every black comedian imitate a white guy....they make them look stupid and stiff and ignorant.  Same for hispanics (see George Lopez).  They make whitey out for the fool.  But if a white guy took the same exact joke and reversed the ethnicities...there would be riots and that white guy would be destroyed.  Tell me I’m wrong?  If it is taboo for white people, then it should be taboo for exceptions.  Otherwise, what is the message?  It’s a message of separation and two sets of rules.  I thought we were supposed to be one dynamic and diverse culture, but with two sets of rules.  One for whitey, which is quite restritive with everyone watching closely and just waiting for him to slip up, and one for NON-whitey, that can say anything they want and it’s honky dory A-OK.  That is BS.  it is a divider of men and that is it...nothing more. 

    We went through this problem before, but America survived it because we were the great melting pot.  Everyone loves to say how America is a nation of immigrants.  That is true, but what made us great is that everyone came here and became America.  They learned the language and everyone wanted to fit it.  We all worked hard with a common goal.  Hence melting pot....everyone came together and blended into one.  That is no longer.  We are not a melting pot anymore.  More like chunky stew.  No one wants to blend.  The potatoes want to be potatoes...the carrots want to be carrots, etc.  No one wants to blend anymore...learn the language, adopt our American way of life and our beliefs.  Everyone wants to be recognized and rewarded for their vicimized heritage instead of taking the responsibility and undertaking the hard work needed to make this country great.  How long can you trade on your false believed victim status?  Apparently quite awhile if you play it right.  Keep the guilt status going and blame racism for every missed opportunity instead of actually doing the work.  And if someone tries to point this very fact out, simply yell racist and point...feign victimization, act distraught and watch the sympathy roll in while your perceived oppressor gets trashed. 

    This catering to claims of racism all the time is not unlike a small child having a temper tantrum everytime and adult tells it to eat its vegetables or its time for bed.  If you let it happen enough, all you will get is more of this behavior and a spoiled rotten child who will never learn the responsibilities of being an adult. 

    Not to say there is not real racism.  However, if you need to really reach to make a racist connection, then maybe its not what you want it to be.  No matter, however ridiculous the claims get, as long as society lets it happen and adds credence to the victims claim, then it will continue.  When will the real grownups say enough is enough?  Heck, I don’t think there are any grownups left in charge anymore. 

    Racism is’s what is in a person’s heart.  Words alone do not make someone racist.  If a person says a word (community organizer, food stamp president, etc.) does not mean they are racist.  Again, if you have to reach that far, then maybe it’s because the real racism is in the past and we have really overcome so much of it that there are some that have to fabricate it.  Men such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have to keep this racism thing going as it is the only thing that makes them relevant.  Since real racism is no longer very common (think black men being dragged down the street and strung up in the nearest tree for looking at a white girl), then it has to be made up.  It is these people that won’t accept the incredible efforts that have been made to rid the world of racism that keep the racism fires burning. 

    How about just once, we appreciate the amazing advances we have made in our society.  Recognize that the racism that was experienced from the 1950’s on back are largely non-existent today.  Be happy about that.  Just because someone uses a stereotype or slips up on a word here and there does not mean they are racist.  You would think by some people’s actions, that the person who made a mistake was practically wearing a clan outfit and hauling a cross and a gallon of gas over to a black mans home.  Those days are where they should the past.  Get over it.  Quit trying to make something that is not there.  Drop the victimhood attitude and join us in really making this country a great place.  No, everything is not perfect.  But I can NOT for the life of me think of any other time or place in this world in all of history than to be here in America today.  And things are only going to get better if we all work toward that goal.  Stop with the nitpicking and pointing fingers and lets all be proud of our country...America.  All the time...not just when you are getting your way.  Good and bad, this is still the best damn place to be.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   03/08/2012  at  02:13 PM  

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