elimination complete


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/22/2009 at 06:26 PM   
  1. I suspect that the only thing that will ever turn up will be rumors. There will be no proof, no evidence, and certainly no living terrorists found. Probably no dead ones either. Some things will never see the light of day: shine the light and you’ll find that there’s nothing there to see.

    Indeed. Some will continue their duties regardless.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   01/22/2009  at  07:10 PM  

  2. This is insane!  I thought the Swiss had a habit of staying out of other people’s business.  That’s the definition of neutrality isn’t it?  Have they decided that it’s up to them to embarrass us and destroy an ugly, but necessary program?  A program that is of benefit to the civilized world?  Could anyone honestly believe that ANY sovereign country would allow us to house secret prisoners within their borders if there wasn’t a serious benefit? 

    Given the fresh insanity emanating from the Oval Office, it’s obvious that my worst nightmares about Obama selling us out are already coming true.  There is no chance that the prisoners would “disappear”.  That might be of benefit to the U.S.  He’s already got us bending over with our pants down and our keesters in the air. 

    I’ll be honest, I’m going to say something similar to other postings today.  Obama is wrecking the country faster than I thought possible.  I just cannot believe that anyone, even the moonbats, could support his programs.  Guess I’m wrong.  The moonbats are even crazier than I imagined.  Anyone know of a good country to move to?  The backwoods of Brazil maybe?  If Obama’s programs aren’t reigned in, we’re going to go down the sh*tter faster than I thought possible.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/23/2009  at  05:12 AM  

  3. And another thing.  HuffPo has a lead article about shutting down Gitmo.  I nearly heaved after reading the first few lines of the article, which are a statement by John Murtha.  Here they are.  I hope you haven’t just eaten.

    Rep. John Murtha:  President Obama took the first key step in restoring America’s image and credibility in the world by issuing an Executive Order to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay and to prohibit the use of torture by U.S. personnel. I applaud his judgment and I wholeheartedly support this decision.

    Image and credibility my bleeding a**!  What do you do with the most dangerous scum on the planet if you don’t lock them up?  Shoot them?  Shooting them has some practical aspects, but to get full value, you’ve got to interrogate them first.  If the world didn’t like Gitmo, what will they say about firing squads?  Maybe they think that the bad guys will just give up after we’re nice to them and politely escort them off the battlefield?  Sure, that will work, so will salting a bird’s tail.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/23/2009  at  06:26 AM  

  4. Aren’t the Swiss the one’s who took all the Jew’s money & assests prior to Hitler’s move & then wouldn’t release them to the survivors because theydidn’t have death certificates?

    Talk about a pot calling the kettle black.’Torture’ coming from a msm that has lied about the reasons GWB took us into Iraq (concentrating on the one that they then had to ignore and distort all the stories about after the war started - and completely ignoring the one that would have given GWB carte blanche to stomp Iraq into oblivion forever [the violation of the 1991 cease-fire conditions of surrender]), called the naked people pile pics, underwear head cover pics and dog leash pics - as torture. Perhaps the moonbats and moroons on the Left just might want to read some real, life torture stories umm, like what the Americans went through in Vietnam or Japan or maybe the story of the African guy who survived under a pile of dead villagers - staying there for days to make sure he wouldn’t be killed when he crawled out! Or hey maybe they could even read the transcript of the trial of John Couey to see what 9 year old Jessica Lunsford had to survive before being buried alive100 yards away from her fathers home.

    These losers and whinners make me sick - the subhumans in Gitmo would slit their throats in a minute - and are living far damn better than they have in their entire, worthless lives.

    The only mistake that GWB made was not to declare all of the scum POWs and Gitmo a POW camp. But he was too decent, too upstanding and too willing to play by the rules - and the Loser Left spit on him for the whole time he protected them from these animals.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/23/2009  at  07:08 AM  

  5. the Loser Left spit on him for the whole time he protected them from these animals.

    No doubt about that either.

    I saw this in the morning paper and meant to do a thing on it but Drew was up ahead of me.
    It’s revolting isn’t it?  But as I commented earlier on another post, The euros now will love us.

    The headline in our paper says, Obama claims the moral highground.

    I didn’t know about this Dick(head) Marty until today.
    These euro-shits will never be satisfied, will they?

    Now they want the locations?  Know what? Bad as this will sound, I hope they get hit bad. Something on the order of a 9/11 and lets see how they respond. Whining left wing bastards.
    Lets see how quick they’ll be to blame the USA as well. Obama says ideals must not be compromised.  Whose?  Just how pure are we supposed to be? How unrealistic.
    But hey .. they are in serious love over here with that guy.

    In Winchester this past week, an American style hamburger place (not McDees)this is local,
    was giving away free hot dogs in honor of, The One, and the great event.

    I really am not a happy camper today.

    btw, you’re quite right about the Swiss Wardmom, and assets belonging to Jews.
    Wonder who else they screwed.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/23/2009  at  09:33 AM  

  6. Perhaps we have the whole ‘rendition’ thing wrong. 

    After interrogating the nice hard-core jihadis for every scrap of useful information, they should be ‘rendered’ harmless by returning them to ambient temperature as quickly and neatly as possible.  And there is no need to apologize for doing so.  Just like putting down a rabid animal, it should be filed under “did society a favor”.

    Posted by Guido    United States   01/23/2009  at  10:22 AM  

  7. I noticed President Obama kept his options open.  He signed the order to close down the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, but ‘within a year’ and subject to national security concerns.  In other words, he’s playing both ends.  In this application, I agree.

    I think we need to announce we are going to close down the secret facility we have in Switzerland.  Then refuse further comment.  (I’m feeling rather difficult today.)

    In point of fact, most of the people being held at Guantanamo Bay do not meet the international definition of ‘prisoner of war’.  Under the international rules, they are primarily ‘brigands and bandits’ and subject to summary execution when apprehended.  We chose to inter, question, feed, house and provide medical care instead.  Funny how the America critics never get the full story.

    Posted by Archie    United States   01/23/2009  at  12:30 PM  

  8. I like Guido’s definition of ‘render’. It’s nearly the same as mine, which is the one where you ‘render’ the meat down in a bit old cauldron to get the fat melted into oil. Rather like processing whale blubber. Gosh, that sounds like real torture though.

    I think it is a most excellent idea to announce that the US has no secret prisons in Switzerland and has never had any. Especially not in Canton X, Y, or Z. Or in the old abandoned castle on Mt. Yodel. Nobody believes us anyway, so such a denial would give the touchy-feeling interfering Swiss a big fat black eye. Serves them right.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/23/2009  at  01:54 PM  

  9. Archie, Our critics aren’t interested in anything we may have to say. To those dirt bags on the left and especially over here, they write the “full story” from their own anti-American
    biased BS!

    For example ... as I work at this I have the radio on. Jeesh .. even now that the election is over ... BUSH BASHERS alive and well at this date.

    All we have to do to get these %$”!!¬"££%$"!!$%^$"!!*@:{_)&ERs to love us is to fall into line with their thinking on everything from gorebal warming to loving Obama.

    I’m listening to these total assholes taking here on BBC radio about how they want to help Obama close Gitmo. Fuckers! Why is that their damn business. I am so PO’d!!!!

    I need to throw my radio away. I can’t tho.  They also have some good programs on. But right now this is beyond purgatory.  You should hear these jerks.  These ppl are even critical of America’s INTERNAL policies. Imagine that!

    Now they’re talking about how bad our record on Africa is. &^%£T!¬~@# Africa?  Screw that damn place. Why are spending anything there in the first place?
    If Americans feel that strong about the place, then those who feel that way should give em their money. I’m ranting. I gotta stop.  sorry. just frustrated with this BS.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/23/2009  at  03:35 PM  

  10. Bush has a bad record on Africa? WTF??? He covered that festering turd of a continent with money, food, and medicine, 5 times over. All while NOT sending in troops to take over and oppress the people living there. And he supplied a little shadow aid against the islamic junta in the Horn area, plus spent zillions defending NE Africa from the same lunatic hordes. Bush should be a GOD in Africa. They should be sacrificing children to his image. No president, no world leader, no nation EVER has done more for that bunch than has the USA under Bush.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/23/2009  at  04:21 PM  

  11. If you want to know how the liberals view this in Britain how about this clown....

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   01/23/2009  at  09:53 PM  

  12. Thanks Lyndon.
    Below only a few of letters but at least reading the comments following the article, most people do not agree with that damn looney tune.

    I despair for the UK and Europe, I really do. Like lemmings marching towards the abyss.

    This article demonstrates quite clearly just how dangerous these liberal leftwingers really are.
    Bryan Phillips
    on January 22, 2009
    at 01:13 PM

    Mr Stafford Smith.

    May I suggest that you stand back for a moment and consider the feelings of those who have lost loved ones to criminals and terrorists.

    Your preoccupation with prisoner’s rights disgust me.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/24/2009  at  10:17 AM  

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