Either Kerry Lied .. or .. Kerry Lied


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 07/13/2004 at 05:04 PM   
  1. If you think this is bad, wait until the 9-11 report comes out accusing retired diplomat Joseph C. Wilson, you know the one that went to Niger and came back to say Karl Rove had targeted him and his wife for personal destruction because he found no evidence in Niger of any Iraqi attempts to purchase Yellow Cake Uranium and reported that, of being the liar.  Yes, it turns out he got the job because his wife, a CIA agent, lobied for him to be sent there (something he denied was the case), and the proof is there. 

    Wilson then did nothing to find any proof of an Iraqi connection the 9-11 investigation concluded (he drank tea and read some reports - some of which are suspect as is - but that was it).  He came home and made a point of accusing Bush of lying and Rove of waging a slash and burn campaign against him because he refused to help them out.  Turns out Mr. Wilson is a seriously partisan democrat with ties to the Kerry campaign and contributions in the tens of thousands to the demcoratic “Who’s who” list.

    Add his political affiliations to the fact the wife lobbied to get him that gig, and you have a serious consipracy in the making.  One that makes the donkeys look bad again (like the Rockefeller memo to use the 9-11 commision to attack Bush instead of figuring out what went wrong).  But don’t wait for the media to tell you any of this and get into the details.  They all got egg on their face because they believed and backed Wilson and did not do their job (that is to report and not to unelect Bush like many in the media currently believe) at all.

    The liars are these democrats who are willing to risk the lives of millions of Americans because they believe that if they are not the ones in power then nobody else should be.  And kid yourself not.  That is what this about.  Dummycraps are losing it because they know the events unfolding in the world and their record when it comes to defense and protecting American interests, will deny them the power they so crave for the next 2 deacades at least.

    Posted by AlexinCT    United States   07/13/2004  at  06:13 PM  

  2. How come the supposed Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee isn’t taking any heat for this intelligence failure?  Shouldn’t they have SOME responsibility for this failure?

    Wasn’t the “Breck Girl” on the Senate Intelligence Committee?  Will he take any responsibility for the failure?

    Guess being a Senator means never having to say you’re sorry.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   07/13/2004  at  06:20 PM  

  3. Something that, it seems to me, keeps getting lost when talking about the fact the the CIA didn’t have good intel on Iraq-that a whole bunch of other national intelligence agencies got spoofed as well.  The Brits ran that part of the world for a few decades, and so presumably should have some good sources there, and they thought Saddam had WMDs.  The French were in bed with Saddam and were selling him everything he asked for, except maybe their mothers, and they thought he had WMDs.  The Russians thought he had WMDs.  Ditto the Germans.  I can’t say for sure about the Israelis, but they probably did too.

    I don’t remember anyone except Saddam, before the war, saying that he didn’t have WMDs.  Everybody had bad intel.  The international dispute wasn’t over the existence of the WMDs, but what to do about them.

    Posted by Heartless Libertarian    United States   07/13/2004  at  07:12 PM  

  4. But its about oil! Blodwar for oooiiil! OOOIIIL!

    (sang to the tune of I’m melting.. wiz of oz)

    Posted by Yogimus    United States   07/13/2004  at  08:12 PM  

  5. Allan,

    Any insights as to why the hell GW didn’t shitcan Tenant at the beginning of his administration? Wasn’t he a Clinton appointee just like Richard Clarke?

    Posted by Phi    United States   07/13/2004  at  10:51 PM  

  6. Phi, the job of DCI (Director Central Intelligence) has always been a bipartisan appointment in order to maintain continuity at the agency. Normally, the DCI is only replaced under pressure or upon failure.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   07/14/2004  at  05:37 AM  

  7. Republicans tend to keep appointees from previous administrations in place for purposes of continuity. 

    Seems to me that the Donks get rid of as many Republican appointees as possible and stuff the bureaucracy with as many of their drones as possible.  In that way, the Socialist/Democrat Party manages to maintain their grip on the apparatus of government even when they’re out of power.

    I still maintain that the legislative branch’s Intelligence oversight Committees bear responsibility for the current Intel disaster.  This responsibility goes back to the infamous Church Committee of the early 1970’s that began the gutting of out intel operations.

    Being a Senator means never having to say you’re sorry!!

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   07/14/2004  at  09:08 AM  

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