Drilling for bias, not getting a big hit for once. Good.


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/05/2008 at 08:12 PM   
  1. Blame whitey yet again. Of course nothing to do with Nigerian corruption. Over here there was a recent story of a barrister (a kind of super shyster we have here) who tried to claim back £17.5 million in “value added tax” on four aircraft engines. The tax man was having none of it and soon realised the invoices were forgeries. Only later on in the story did they divulge the shyster was a Nigerian. I was baffled as to why anyone would employ a Nigerian as a barrister. Then it dawned on me. Other Nigerians would of course employ him.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/06/2008  at  07:09 AM  

  2. Kim’s editorial reminds me of a story I heard from a young black who got an African diplomatic assignment - upon his return, the story in the local paper went like this:

    I was shocked when I arrived there, was miserable the entire time and kissed the ground when I arrived back in America - I will never, ever again call myself an African-American. I am an American and now realize how wonderful that is.

    Perhaps it would behoove America to give every African-American a ticket back to the motherland - so that they too can see real poverty, desperation, violence and realize just how good being an American is.

    I agree - Africa (and Mexico) should see a 50% reduction of their foreign aid this year and a 100% the following year. If, you personally, feel that moved and are that stupid - give away, by all means but spare raising my taxes and forcing me to piss more money away on a lost cause.

    You see it all over the World - people whose fears, ignorance, prejudices - hold them back in a 3rd World prison of hate, disease and diminish capacity. The problem is that many of them are importing it to other countries of the World.

    And too many governments have become too fearful of being called an ‘ism’ to stop the spread.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/06/2008  at  11:29 AM  

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