Drill, baby, drill


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 06/30/2006 at 07:20 PM   
  1. Hello! 

    Conservative rethuglican, here. 

    Speaking as an unregenerate oil-is-everything-and-more-important-than-cannibal-polar-bears <>. (And BTW Al Gore is a poohead.)

    Let me just suggest that a few new rules go into play!

    Let the drilling commence! 


    Let the Upper Management of theses Drillers, have all oil spills pounded into their upturned rears on national TV!  Let their heirs be turned into gas bubbles and gator bait in the bayous if they so much as dribble on my girlfriends capacious backside!  Let humiliation, castration and personal disaster fall on them in hours, not years of contemptible court time.

    Up the stakes, friends.  Half-assed, leaky, spilling tech is not acceptable.  Make flogging and public castration real penalties for screwups.  Burnings at the stake with a crawdad boil to follow…

    The price of oil will go up with the level of caution… but…

    Oil prices going up?  <yawn> Tell me something I haven’t figured out already.

    Posted by heldmyw    United States   06/30/2006  at  08:13 PM  

  2. makes states jump through bureaucratic hoops to regain protections they currently enjoy, would allow drilling as close as 3 miles to shore if states choose

    That part makes me laugh.  We are making them jump through hoops to protect themselves from something they can choose to do. HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Those wacky enviros!  They crack me up!  3stooges

    Posted by Beccayinn    United States   06/30/2006  at  08:30 PM  

  3. I love the part about “ignoring American’s demands for smart, innovative, clean energy solutions..”..  What it should say is “ ignoring the few enviro-wackos demands to become less dependant on arab oil in order to protect some useless creature that most of us care nothing about.  The US House FINALLY acted under the wishes of the majority of Americans by Finally telling the enviro-wckos to shove it and drilling for our own oil so that we can be even more self sufficient and get our own damn oil.”

    Don’t you just love the spin the MSM puts on this?


    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/01/2006  at  06:41 AM  

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