Dr. Pusher-Man


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 06/28/2005 at 06:17 AM   
  1. Skipper: Next time you get married and if your wife gets fired, have her run to the doctor right away and get diagnosed because she will lose her employer’s health insurance.  This is important if you want pre-existing conditions and higher prices when you purchase insurance on her in the free and open market.  Depression medication usually does a pretty good job in inflating premiums but make sure they don’t say Bi-Polar because that may open another can of worms. 

    Think of your doctor and his wife in Europe with multiple VISA cards.  If he can get 150 women seeing him every six months, for 5 minutes, to renew prescriptions he has pretty good income potential.  Combine that with 150 guys on high blood pressure medication and his globe-trotting wife can head to the south of France to the so-called Blue Coast where the art is really cheap.

    I thought when they lowered the cholesterol guidelines, boy, they want everybody on medication.  Once people go on medication it’s hard to come off because everybody thinks their readings will spike again.  I suggest men should she the doctor late in the afternoon after lots of coffee.  Remember, the doctor is 45 minutes late because he wants you so MAD he can see the veins in your neck before he checks your blood pressure.  So don’t fall into that trap and always call him “Sir.”

    If your blood pressure is up scream, “That nurse brushed her breasts on me, take that reading again.” Warning: If you go on blood pressure medication you will be on it till the day we send you to your final cruise on that flaming boat.  Same with your future wife on depression medications.  Women who get dumped by men are easy pray for those Depression Doctors who need to make some extra money.

    Mental wife’s insurance rate up, $50 a month.  Her medications, $280 a month.  Someone doing your laundry, priceless.

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   06/28/2005  at  07:58 AM  

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