

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/21/2007 at 11:05 AM   
  1. I am so techno-challenged but in an interesting take on this issue (copyright, intellectual property and all that other socialist (i.e. state control) areas this is going into) on on Wednesday March 21 at 12:14am is posted an article
    NFL caught abusing the DMCA - it is a hoot of an article because a lawyer (EFF) wanted to make a point about the NFL’s abuse of the DMCA and they walked right into it.

    I have no problem with an artist, preformer, writer (et al) getting and receiving 100% of the money for use of their creation. . .RIAA, MPAA, NFL et al are accusing everyone of violating rights that do not even exist, extending copyright laws so that no longer does the person, nor a spouse nor even their children benefit but rather a printing co or estate copyright holder is making money decades later on something THEY DID NOT CREATE. . .and all of us who simply want to appreciate it are taken to court and branded criminals. . .

    BTW, RIAA is the current incarnation of those very ‘record’ companies who saw no problem whatsoever of keeping 99.5% of the monies made from early recording artists (especially the female and minorities) and those awards from the RIAA lawsuits - don’t go to the artists but rather back into the RIAA lawsuit kitty. And MPAA - while they are pointing fingers at Joe public with their copying a movie to watch at home at their own convenience - a 2003 study found that 77% of the pirated movies come from within the movie industry!

    Yet we are the criminals to be punished and controlled.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/21/2007  at  01:01 PM  

  2. Dough!


    cool grin

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   03/21/2007  at  01:17 PM  

  3. Or, as they say in La Belle France,


    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   03/22/2007  at  07:31 AM  

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