Dirty Pool, As Usual


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/03/2012 at 07:59 AM   
  1. According to what I remember - ACORN fraud was alleged in 14 states - Obama won 28 states and McAmnesty won 22 - even half would reverse that (Obama winning 21 states, McAmnesty 28).
    Add that to the fact in the story - One county in IN with proven fraud. OH had ACORN mischief to include the idiot judge who ‘decided’ that a park bench was indeed a ‘residence’ and an Sec of State who refused to verify legitimate Register & Vote Same Day names (so no idea what-so-ever if those people were even residents of OH).
    Combine that with Phillip Berg’s lawsuit - filed in Aug 2008 - on Obama’s eligibility under the NBC clause was disregarded by the lower court and the Supreme Court (decided not to hear in Dec 2008). Now the ‘reason’ for not hearing the lawsuits is that Obama has been inaugurated. . .Neat trick - void out the lawsuit filed while it was still candidate Obama, ignore the request for the Supreme Court to hear it, before Obama was inaugurated and now use the fact that he was inaugurated to ignore all the lawsuits now happening (12 to date).

    Such a real American tragedy that this is going on in America. They should be shot for treason.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/03/2012  at  11:33 AM  

  2. Remember after the 2004 election, how all the media outlets sent people down to Florida to recount the ‘hanging chad’ ballots? And how, once they found out the recount was accurate and Bush had won, it all faded away into crickets chirping?

    Well, where is the media now? Here’s a tale of intrigue and chicanery that could uncover a stolen election, and no one wants to pursue it.

    I go back and forth so much between outrage on the one hand and despair on the other that I’m getting motion sickness.

    It’s enough to drive a man to drink…

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   04/03/2012  at  12:49 PM  

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