Did This Happen????


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/20/2013 at 04:16 PM   
  1. I just wrote a Thank You email to Boehner - better late than never. [btw, thus far only 2 Repubs voted Yeah for O’care - in 2009 (Cao, voted out of office in the next election) and this time some guy from VA) and if you run the numbers 11 Dems - um, did not vote, oh my on this as there are only 2 seats empty in the House.

    On MSNBC Al Sharpton went after Rep Doug Collins on this O’care vote - Law of the Land, Supreme Court said it was Constitutional blah, blah, blah. Collins did great - but forgot one thing - The 18th Amendment - ‘found’ to be Constitutional - but overturned 16 years later. Precedent I think that is called - but I’m not a lawyer, just playing on online.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/21/2013  at  10:14 AM  

  2. I’d like to send a thank you letter too, but it would have to be a Thank you for lying to us yet again you progressive bastards.  I don’t believe it, not a word of it, and in the next few days the so called Republicans will cave, and act stupid, and Osatan will get his way like he always does.  Why?  Because there is no opposition.  Anyone who is in the senate or the house is not working for us.  They all want Osatan to get what he wants. They all care NOTHING about us, or the Constitution, or this country.  We are being flanked and the slaughter will begin right on schedule.  If it sounds too good to be true…

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/21/2013  at  12:45 PM  

  3. I’d agree gray john - if the msm was still playing suck up to Obama - but the cracks happened (see the ‘Syrian crisis’) and that has allowed the GOP to move - which is why I think Boehner went for it - he’s had two or three rallies at his OH offices during the break - We The People are not really hearing about how many constituents are contacting their ‘representatives’ with negative/disapproval comments. Apparently somewhere BCBS is starting to drop customers (our BCBS just got the toe in the door to raise our payment) - And in this union held hell-hole - doctors are fleeing from most plans like a herd of scared horses. It’s getting ugly - and the people who make things happen in America aren’t going to take it anymore.

    And finally let’s not forget whose vulnerable in 2014 - Obama is so over - and many would love to save their own a** now. There are 2 seats in the House that are empty and the absolute silence on ‘the candidates’ for 2014 - after a huge blah, blah, blah - before the Syria mess - might just indicate that some of the most important are more than vulnerable - their constituents aren’t happy at all with what’s been going on.

    Historically - the GOP has been a bunch of weak, spineless, gutless turncoats - but perhaps there is something going on behind the scenes (as in McAmnesty considering retiring) - and you know damn well the msm is not ever going to print a story on the GOP coming back together to fight Obama. At. All. Ever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/22/2013  at  10:07 AM  

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